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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: browser problems and gmail questions 6

I was wondering if anyone else was using the new Minefield Firefox beta. Husband "upgraded" mine last week, saying that it ran better on his computer than the full release version before it did. Not so much the case for me though. Today it crashed and burned twice, which the other version had not done for me in quite a while.

Anyways, main question is memory usage. Husband said that this was supposed to correct a lot of the memory problems that Firefox has had in the past. On his computer (64 bit ubuntu I believe) Firefox has a bad memory leak which caused it to crash and eat all his memory etc. Firefox did slowly eat memory on my 32 bit ubuntu, but not to the excessive rates the Minefield is doing.

I have the system monitor for memory set up, and it shows that I am using 66% of memory (before I would not use above 50%) and Firefox starts saying that it uses less than 100 mb, but then jumps to 400 or 500 on the tally sheet. But closing it does not return the 400 that it is using, only the 100, and the system monitor continues to say I am using up a ton of memory.

This has only happened since using the Minefield version. But husband has looked at it and says that the new memory usage reports are correct. I think he thinks I am misremembering the usage from before.

I am not sure what else would be causing this, or even any reason Firefox would be doing this unless it is using the ram as cache even after being closed. And closing out all active programs does not return me to low memory usage. I have not tried to run blender since this has started going on, because I am pretty sure it would crash a lot.

Second part: Is there a way to download gmail chat messages off of the gmail web interface thing? I've noticed that apparently all of my messages sent by my gmail account on pidgin (I hate pidgin, I much preferred gaim. I can tell a difference) and gaim before it show up on the web interface, but not vice versa. I much prefer to have them on my computer where they are more easily searched and whatnot.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

browser problems and gmail questions

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  • The answer to one of your questions, your highness, is yes, you can download GMAIL to a POP Email Client such as Thunderbird. [google.com]

    As far as your browser woes, might I suggest her highness plan a trip to the Opera? [opera.com]

    (This post typed in the peasant style because it's funnier that way.)
    • Thanks for the pointer, Master gunner of Rails. I know that the Thunderbird is around here somewhere. I had used it at one point long ago. But I couldn't figure out how to keep it from deleting my email at the time. Ah nuts, it's not installed anymore. I guess I ought to head back to the aviary.

      A trip to the Opera may indeed be in order. As long it is less annoying than the current Minefield I'm stuck in, and does not reek like my Safari did, I might be converted.

      (well, I attempted some old E

  • What extensions are you using?

    all manner of problems with various extensions in latest minefield (firefox) - it is called minefield for the obvious reason

    most extensions work OK but some are just do nasty things.

    there are also some bugs with memory fragmentation that are being worked on.
    • Yes, I enjoy that they stuck with the Minefield theme whenever it crashes and brings up a window to submit a bug report with a header to the effect of "crash bang boom!" :-D

      Ok, checking on the extensions...

      The only plugin that shows up in about:plugins is the default plugin for mime types and it is not enabled.

      The actual extensions I am running: Adblock plus v, DOM inspector v 1.9b2pre which both appear to be enabled, and a version of user agent switcher which is not compatible and is a

      • by tqft ( 619476 )
        Do you use google maps a lot?
        http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=603264&start=0 [mozillazine.org]
        See red list item 9
        https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=403481 [mozilla.org]
        (remember links on slashdot to bugzilla don't wotk so copy and paste the link)

        Seems to be a recent regression - is marked Priority P2. Some progress has been made.

        The tree is closed as I type, so not sure when next fixes will come out.

        Are you getting auto updates for your Beta?
        • Wow, thanks a bunch for this information. I had not been able to find it via google. (world's worst googler, seriously)

          I actually do look at google maps fairly frequently, but more than that, I browse a lot of image heavy sites, such as deviantart.com. This would explain why husband doesn't have this problem and thinks I'm nuts, because he reads mostly only text sites.

          I do believe that it auto updates, at least it updated something whenever I closed and reopened it for the last time last night.

You've been Berkeley'ed!
