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The Internet

Journal Erris's Journal: Internet Freedom Log. 1

Internet freedom, is vital to the future of free societies, but it is under assault by both government and industry. As the internet subsumes traditional news, libaries, communications and entertainment delivery, the need to keep it free is paramount. The internet must remain true to it's core philosophy if we are to have free speech and press. Free software alone can not counter networks that have owners because network owners can demand non free software for network access. What begins with port blocks and email snooping ends with a world that looks like a cross between Burma and Richard Stallman's distopian vision.

Some industry players support a limited subset of network freedom they call, net neutrality. This subset is often not sufficient to provide real freedom because it does not allow you to use every packet you purchase as you please. Real network freedom is much like software freedom and might roughly be formulated:

  1. The freedom to use your packets for any purpose. You should be able to run the same servers anyone else does. This is a first amendment issue.
  2. The freedom to use public sites as you chose. No one should be able to block information that is freely shared.
  3. The freedom to share your bandwith and mirror public information for your neighbors.
  4. The freedom to improve the public networks, and share with the public, so that the whole community benefits. Government monopolies are unAmerican and this is compounded when communities are prevented from creating networks.

I'm going to track attacks on network freedom and it's consequences here. I'll start with my journal and twitter's and build from there.

From 2005

From 2006

From 2007:

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Internet Freedom Log.

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