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Journal Elbereth's Journal: Good bye, SexyKellyOsbourne! We will miss you.

I can't believe SexyKellyOsbourne quit. This really is a blow to Slashdot as a whole. SexyKelly wasn't just a troll. SexyKelly was also someone who pushed the boundaries of karma whoring, devil's advocate, and class clown. Strangely enough, I think SexyKelly wanted to try to improve Slashdot. Why else would SexyKelly sit around and troll Slashdot? There's only one reason, and it's not because of boredom (there are better/more amusing things to do than troll slashdot): SexyKelly wanted to push the Slashdot team to implement a better moderation system. Whereas most old-timers (by my definition, anyone who's been here long enough to think to himself, "Slashdot has gone downhill") have a cynical streak, SexyKelly was actually rather refreshing. Like many of the cynical Karma Whores of yore, SexyKelly trolled/whored not for attention (but that was also nice), but because it was obvious the moderation system was screwed up. SexyKelly, however, wasn't cynical -- or, at least, SexyKelly's peers were much more cynical. I don't where the hell I was going with this point, so I'm just going to skip to my next point. I don't know. Probably something about blah blah blah wanting to change the system blah blah blah exposing the problems blah blah blah hoping for positive change, not draconian punishment.

You know, come to think of it, that was my whole point. I didn't have anything else but that.

Come, let us mourn the loss of a great troll/karma whore/renegade. Let us mourn the change that did not occur. Some of us actually had renewed hope that Slashdot isn't some stupid flamebait blog itself.

Same old Slashdot, same old flamebait articles. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Good bye, SexyKellyOsbourne! We will miss you.

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You are an insult to my intelligence! I demand that you log off immediately.
