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Journal Short Circuit's Journal: Happy Birthday To Me: A Year in Retrospect 9

So I'm now 24 years old. One year ago this minute, I was sitting in a bowl chair in my cousin's bedroom, half asleep, depressed because I couldn't stand staying with my grandparents for any longer for all the maintenance my grandfather required. I'd been working on a d20 character sheet as my introduction to PHP. I was also looking at reviving e-Tale.

I was looking forward to my first classes at a four-year college, where I'd start learning about SQL. I had another year as President of Computer Club coming up, and we'd elected a new VP, Treasurer and Secretary.

It's now a year later. My grandfather died after a long spell in a nursing home. I never did finish that character sheet, though I did upload it to Google Code. I spent ten months living in the slums with a swell gal who became Secretary of Computer Club. I learned to use (and like) public transportation. I grew new friendships through Computer Club, and cultivated certain members to be able to lead the club when I stepped down. For insurance reasons, I dropped out of school and got an awesome full-time job where I get paid to use my brain. I started a small online community that now has over 100 members from dozens of countries. I created a programming website called Rosetta Code that hit the front page of Slashdot. I traveled to Washington, D.C., and met with a "cool guy". I sorta revived e-Tale with an email-based campaign (For which all but one of the players is still subscribed to the mailing list.), but that tanked after someone screwed with my server. My favorite restaurant went out of business due to a shakedown by the local power company. I'm pondering building a social network for roleplayers. And I moved most of my writings to Multiply.

It's been a busy year, bot those are the highlights. I wonder how I'll look at the upcoming year in retrospect.

And there I go, listening to myself sing again.

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Happy Birthday To Me: A Year in Retrospect

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  • Happy birthday.

    Yeah, years tend to be eventful when you're young, for most people things calm down sligthly once they've "settled down" so to speak.

    I had an eventful year too though, despite being 32.

    * Moved from Germany to Norway, with wife and kid (2)

    * Started in a new job.

    * Bougth a house.

    * Had twins (so, added to aforementioned kid, now 3 kids total.
  • You know that Geekalize is a social networking site for geeks right? I could really use the help if interested, in kickstarting Geekalize and getting it really going. The Social Networking area for Role-Players will be very hard for you, considering Gleemax stole my ideas (Wizards of the Coast) and they are dominating just being a Social Networking site for Role-Players, but Geekalize is doing pretty decent... Let me know if you are interested in working with an existing Social Networking site, instead of
  • I wish you a great year. Keep staying active and reaching for you goals.
    • Happy birthday! and ditto, SW here said what I was thinking, only better than I would have.

      • So, what, you two are telepathically linked? I hadn't heard. Hm...I'll have to change some things for next week's session. A DM needs to know about these things...

        Thank you. :-)
    • Thank you. Sometimes, I wish there were just two more hours in a day; I've got so much I want to do, but not enough time to do it.
  • That's what I get for coming around here only once a week! Happy birthday...

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
