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Journal ak3ldama's Journal: I could never live like this: 3

This guy, UbuntuDupe can't let his experience die. I am starting to wonder if he is a paid Microsoft shill to try to discredit all of the work of the community. The worst part is that his repetitious banter is totally eaten up by the people on Slashdot. i.e. not the real free software community, or the Ubuntu inner circle - but the user community which are more akin to fanboys. Someone called him on it and the post got modded up.

Anyways, he has posted a bunch of comments today that I found interesting (in a bad way), you may too. For a while he was actually posting great comments, and I almost took him off my foe list about a month back, but now he has renewed his membership and will remain a foe.

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I could never live like this:

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  • I might personally think Ubuntu blows, but not to the point where I'd recommend someone just use Windows..

    I prefer MEPIS to Ubuntu, though I've recently been messing with the eLive 1.0 release, and enjoying the Enlightenment Desktop.

  • He's either a shill or everything else in his life is perfect if this is his Quixotic mission. On a plus side, the discussion showed me that Chris Burke warranted friending for balanced and reasons attempts at explaining the whole thing.

If you want to put yourself on the map, publish your own map.
