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The Courts

Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: It takes a lot to get me PO'd 13

Call me naive, but I just can not believe there is a campaign of "Free Paris" bulletin boards around the nation!

Its sick. Its wrong. Its not funny at all. That money could be feeding hungry people. (And if you make a freaking Nicole Richie eating disorder joke about that line I'll really flame you.)

Particularly disgusting is the placement of the one in Albq, NM next to the Juvenile Court facilities. Thats just a great message to have located right outside a place where the very system she managed to play is hard at work trying to teach a bunch of kids the concepts of responsibility and accountability--something she has failed to convey to her massive teenage and younger audience. What a great role model. And don't give me the "she never asked to be a role model" BS. She certainly did when she made that statement on her behalf to get her sentence reduced...some crap about bringing sunshine and butterflies to people's lives as if she were a teletubbie. WTF-ever!

Bloody f*cking hell...Free her? Deport her? Educate her? Take away her credit limit?

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It takes a lot to get me PO'd

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  • we waste a lot more on many things that are more stupid. i have found the only way not to get pissed about the whole cult of celebrity is to ignore it completely. just tonight i caught the last 5 minutes of access hollywood and i think i lost a few i.q. points.
  • That money could be feeding hungry people.

    Yeah, like Nicole Kidman! Have you seen her? She's a stick!

    I hope you're not really that upset about this, it's just not worth it.
    • That money could be feeding hungry people.
      Yeah, like Nicole Kidman! Have you seen her? She's a stick!
      I hope you're not really that upset about this, it's just not worth it.

      Alas you're right, getting upset without taking some kind of positive action accomplishes nothing except making me bitter. I have a stress problem, though not high BP, but its probably not good for me to get worked up all the same. ~sigh~

      Its just all so assine and superficial. I don't hit people, I don't throw things except when playing sports, and my most effective mode of expressing anger is with a pen, so I b&m'd tonight.

      Could we at least sentence her to financial responsibility and "budg

  • ...and put her to work as a mall security guard. Probably her own version of hell. :-)

    Seriously, though, I don't think that there is much that is going to educate her. She had bad parents. She needed consequences when she was two, applying them now just confuses her. Like a dog, when inconsistent discipline is used.

    I'd sure be tempted to pay an early morning visit to that sign with a can of spray paint, though. "Ignore Paris". :-)
  • She just got released for medical reasons [].

    Not sure if you could call what is wrong with her "medical" in nature.
    • She just got released for medical reasons.

      Oh yes, even though I don't watch tv or read news online, I managed to hear. A family member just HAD to tell me. I wouldn't be surprised if most of my neighbors heard the f-bombs I dropped. (Too bad they are mostly bovine or senile--the neighbors I mean, one of them has a shotgun too.)

      You win some, you lose some. In her case, you win 'em all? I suppose ignorance is bliss. In 10 years when she's drunk and injures or kills someone while driving a fancy car the world will still be more fascinated

  • I have to say, it was worth getting her released just so we can get a warm feeling from articles about her being dragged back to jail [].
    • Would you believe I felt so guilty about all this that when my mom called and said turn on the the tele, quick, I ended up in tears on her behalf? I guess being one who doesn't watch the news, let alone not a die hard Paris fan, I didn't realize she was an addict to more than Botox.

      My conscience won't let me poke fun at the mentally ill with addictions, especially when I'm recovering myself. Even if I never broke any laws or got any special treatment she is still a tiny bit like me. (Except I'm not a
      • That scene got to me, too. She was like a three-year-old, with something bad happening to her that she can't understand, crying and calling for her parents to help her. As pitiful as it is for an adult to do that, I can't help but have some compassion for her.

        I think that she's essentially a child in an adult body. My guess is that she's never had any accountability for bad decisions - until now. Celebrity and money are not going to buy her out of this one. I do feel sad for her, but letting her off th
        • A spoiled child is a spoiled child, whether they're months, years, or decades old.

          Frankly, I can't help but think it's a good experience for her. If no one else is going to show her that there are rules that apply to EVERYONE, then maybe a month and a half in prison will.
          • One can have compassion for her, and still not let her out. I agree with you - it's an experience that she needs to have. Painful, perhaps, but maybe she will learn from it.

UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
