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Journal spun's Journal: A good time was had by all 8

I got a call from the wife last Friday about a quarter to five. She was feeling a bit... frisky, and basically ordered me to get home as soon as I could to take care of her. You see, sex is not a zero sum game. It's not as if her having an affair means there's less sex for me. Quite the opposite in fact. The sexier she feels, the more she feels like having sex.

There's a simple physical fact at work here. Let me put it this way: I am a stud. I can come and get hard again within five minutes, hell, sometimes I can come and stay hard. I can do that maybe five times a night, with some persuasion from a willing partner. That is unusual for a guy. That is not at all unusual for a woman.

I'll admit it, ladies: I'm jealous of the whole multiple orgasm thing. I counted. Over the course of the weekend, the wife was probably averaging about ten a day. Ten orgasms a day! I couldn't even manage that as an eighteen year old.

Anyway, I rush home, we have a bit of fun, a few drinks, a bit more fun, and she's just tipsy enough to put aside her doubts and wonder if maybe, you know, We could all hang out together? Well, I am of course into that idea, even though we had a whole plan that involved the three of us hanging out with mutual friends first to test the waters and see how the whole jealousy thing would play out.

So we decided to tempt him over with the promise that if it was too uncomfortable, he could take her back to his place even though it was my day with her. What do you know? He's into the idea. He comes over, and the three of us proceed to have one of those animated, free ranging, philosophical, political, spiritual, intellectual conversations that, and I can not stress this enough, make life worth living for me.

Wow. Just wow. My wife has good taste in men, what can I say? He is so like me in so many ways, if he weren't so different in a few I'd think she found my unauthorized clone. (Note to govt. agents: there is no clone! Disregard all rumors to the contrary. Really.) He has all the characteristics I find appealing in a person: he is courageous about being himself, smart, curious, introspective, and, like my wife and I, an absolute bulldog when it comes to doing what we feel is right.

Several bottles of wine and a twelve pack of beer later, we look up and realize it is four in the morning. I'm feeling a bit tired, and say as much. A series of looks are passed, and somehow it is nonverbally agreed, he's staying the night, I'm sleeping in the guest room, he's sleeping with her.

Okay, I'll be honest, I've thought about this. We all hang out, the night is over, what happens exactly? How do we do it without jealousy, someone getting their feelings hurt? Say this works long term, we're all living together, how would that work exactly? I'd thought that if I had to be the one sleeping in the other bed, listening to them having sex, that it would be difficult.

I mean, I got jealous over stupid things like phone calls, come on! Could it work? Turns out, it can. The guest room is right next to our room and the walls are pretty thin. I heard everything, the moaning, the spankings, everything. And I was not jealous. Weird, huh?

I wake up the next morning, and there are more noises from the other room. Then the wife comes in to visit me for a bit, then she goes back to him, then comes back to me, then back to him. Then we all get up. He looks a bit sheepish, like he still can't really believe this is all okay. I cut the ice, asking who's up for breakfast? They run out to Sonic and get us some food, and we spend Saturday sitting on the couch, her in the middle with quite possibly the biggest smile I have ever seen on a human plastered all over her face, watching TV and recuperating.

It's nice, and a nice contrast from the night before. We don't feel the need to talk. The three of us are just comfortable being together. We had all planned that they would go back to his house Saturday night, but I'm feeling magnanimous so I volunteer to spend the night over at my mom's. After all, my gay Native American Republican ex-military adopted brother has just gotten out of jail and I wanted to catch up. Seems his bad-boy brother had stolen his license, done some things, and gotten caught, and poor Malcolm had to pay the price. Family, eh?

It's nice having family I can talk about this with. My mom is understandably worried, seeing as how she tried this and fucked it up. Well, Sandy and my dad fucked it up by lying to her and getting Sandy pregnant, but we already covered that a while back, didn't we? She's generally pretty supportive, though, probably because she knows I would call her out if she made too much of a stink. "Yeah, mom? It didn't work for you three because you were children who could barely hold a single relationship together, m'kay?"

My cousin the ex gang member came over with her three kids on Sunday, wow, talk about a success story, this girl goes from 15 year old pregnant gang member to college grad, mother of three, and the eldest is in sixth grade now, an honor student, vice president of her class. Anyway, enough writing, my server installs are needing some attention and I should sign off.

Wow, great weekend!

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A good time was had by all

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  • by grub ( 11606 )

    My weekend was somewhat milder, had family over for a pool party & bbq then ate far too much. :) At least it's a long weekend here!
    • by spun ( 1352 )
      I always wonder who actually reads these journal entries. ;-) I write 'em for a lot of reasons. First, it helps me. Writing is a way of thinking things over for me. Second, I like to affirm that, though I may be getting older and more settled, I am not a mainstream sellout, something my younger self would never be able to forgive me for. I still take big risks and do weird subversive things. Also, in my experience at ren fairs and elsewhere, geeks have a fascination with polyamory but don't get a lot of pra
      • by grub ( 11606 )
        "Mainstream" is a floating mark on the ruler. If you told 21 year old 'grub' that in 20 years time he'd have a lovely (common-law) spouse, beautiful daughter, mortgage and a great job he loved, he'd say you were on crack :)

        I'm a big believer in doing what makes you happy so long as it doesn't hurt others. Life's too short to do shit you don't like.

        Mainstream means striving for the monsterous house, SUV, minivan, 9 credit cards and crushing debtload. Knowing that if you had no paycheques for 3 months you'
        • by spun ( 1352 )
          Or as I like to say, "Don't lean your ladder against a pile of shit then complain about the smell when you reach the top."
          • by grub ( 11606 )

            "Don't lean your ladder against a pile of shit then complain about the smell when you reach the top."

            Oh... I like that!

  • My wife has good taste in men, what can I say? He is so like me in so many ways...

    I find your lack of modesty inspiring. :)

    It's good to hear that the Heinleinization of your relationship is proceeding without too much difficulty. The more open people like you are about relationships like this one, the more accepting society as a whole will become of such experimental social structures. That's a good thing, because I really don't see that the current social structures are serving us the way they could be

    • by spun ( 1352 )
      I agree that it's important to talk about relationships like this. You know, when I started, I almost took my real name off my profile? But I've always been completely open as a matter of principle. Well, that was easy back when I was a young rebel punk kid with nothing to lose. I swore to myself that I would never let what I have change my beliefs, and I'd be a cowardly hypocrite to start backpedaling now.

      I've mentioned to them that I'm blogging this. My wife has no issues with it, and Mr. Y. hasn't said a

You will lose an important disk file.
