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Journal nocomment's Journal: Electronic Documentation 2

Anyone have an idea as to something that can be used to quickly store/view/edit documentation and also output these to PDF's or printing.

Currently we're using phpgroupware and the built-in wiki, but we kind of want to move away from the groupware aspect. I've thought about another wiki, but one of our documents is how to fix the groupware server....uhm if the groupware server is broken we can't get to that document.

So we're thinking of keeping paper records in addition to the electronic.


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Electronic Documentation

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  • However at work they use RoboHelp []. I have zero experience with it, but as it is from Adobe it will output PDF and satisfy that business need. For document sharing they use SharePoint [].

    Outside of that I can't offer any suggestions other than have knowledge of where the shared items are on the network in case the application fails.
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Anything that can create a postscript file can then be easily converted to pdf with ps2pdf, if that is helpful at all.

It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
