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This discussion was created by GMontag (42283) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Another Expression of Superior Ideas from the Left

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  • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

    The students then got on the ground and lay down in front of his car as a protest.

    At that point, he should've had the driver shift the transfer case into 4L and started creeping forward. :-)

    • At that point, he should've had the driver shift the transfer case into 4L and started creeping forward.

      Nah, just go for the Rachel Corrie and take him out.

      /me whistles, waits for the downmods...
      • I think that's what the "...transfer case into 4L..." meant. Unless Mr. Rove is normally driven around in a bulldozer.
      • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

        At that point, he should've had the driver shift the transfer case into 4L and started creeping forward.

        Nah, just go for the Rachel Corrie and take him out.

        My approach prolongs the agony if they choose to not get out of the way. I suppose the St. Pancake approach gets the job done in less time...could be useful if you're in a hurry.

  • we cannot allow dissenting opinion! Under no circumstance should the oposition be able to conduct business. We must hound them and frustrate their very attempts at speakign engagements!

It was pity stayed his hand. "Pity I don't have any more bullets," thought Frito. -- _Bored_of_the_Rings_, a Harvard Lampoon parody of Tolkein
