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Technology (Apple)

Journal izzo nizzo's Journal: leopard's upshot: there's real value there, any way you look 1

Apple has some pretty cool things planned for Leopard on the user side, like the ability to see and operate your buddy's desktop through ichat, and their revolutionary backup system. The leopard server is dramatically improved, with a wiki server, a calendar server, podcast server, network search with spotlight, and generally polished power.

These changes will save a lot of time for a lot of people, and will catalyze all manner of creative and productive moves, I don't mean to denigrate them. But from where I am, the most exciting parts of this release look to be the developer tools. Apple has revised the language it provides for desktop development, Cocoa, and bundled support for all sorts of development involving Ruby, Python, and Rails on top of existing support for Java. They have also made significant revision on their existing tools, and released several new branches onto that tree. There's a new way to animate, new ways to make widgets, great tools for visualizing and analyzing your running app, and simply new ways to communicate.

This system is scheduled to appear pretty soon - and hopefully a couple surprises will be concealed until then. But I think this release will be the fastest adopted ever, will reign over a huge number of switches, and will be the one that helps lots of power users justify the jump to the server edition, and proceed to truly take over the world's mindshare.
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leopard's upshot: there's real value there, any way you look

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