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Journal eno2001's Journal: MULTIPLY: Multigrumble... 3

OK. Fine. I give. I created But it will be a while before I have the time to actually do much there. My plan is to show the less technical side of eno2001. The side that like music, movies and exploring the creative side... Don't get me wrong, there will also be technology stuff there too. Probably just not as much of it because I don't think the audience will "get it". I shudder when I think this is just another MySpace clone. So how's it done? "ADDZ PLZ!!! THX!!! LOLZ!!!111!!!"

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MULTIPLY: Multigrumble...

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  • If this keeps up, I'll be the only one left here...

    Honestly, can't anybody afford domain names/web space anymore?
    • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
      Oh I'm not leaving here... I think I like the Slashdot JE space better than this, but I don't want to lose touch with a lot of people who are leaving here. I do need to update my real domain someday. It's pathetic right now. I haven't touched it since 2002 and it's shit compared to what it could be if I could be arsed to put up some kind of CMS. The only problem I've noticed with personal domains is that most people don't want to look at them even if you give them the URL. Mainly because it's not a "h
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

Work expands to fill the time available. -- Cyril Northcote Parkinson, "The Economist", 1955
