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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: fid1 95 10

So, we have this IBM 3590 enterprise tape drive that was giving me a "FID1 95" error. Of course, IBM stopped supporting this drive in September 2006. And just to be doubly annoying, the upgrade path is the TS1120, which is NOT backwards compatible, i.e. it can't read tapes written by 3590.

Anybody have any experience with these 3590 drives that might be able to give me a pointer as to what this error code could mean? The only documentation I found that mentioned this code said only that you need to contact the service department to get it repaired, but gave no hint as what the possible cause of the error might be.

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fid1 95

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  • that you have removed the orange picker stopper from the Library Unit.
    • This drive has been in use for several years without any problem. In fact, it had successfully loaded data from three tapes and it died while attempting to load the fourth tape.

      I should have specified that in my original post.
      • In that case, put the orange picker stopper back in. :-P

        I was going off the 3570 manual, but that's all I got.
  • Power cycle the drive.

    Error code still on?

            If No - try a different tape. Will it mount/umount? If no - Perform a write/read test. If that works, its probably the "4th tape".

            If Yes - Try cleaning it.

    Can you get status from the drive from the host? (Which host btw, is this a Z Series, AS/400, RS/6000?)
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Servo ( 9177 )
      FID1 means its an "acute" hardware error. Never seen a error 95.
    • No.

      The tape loading drive doesn't move at all, which suggests a failure in the gear system I suppose, but there's an awful lot of circuit board in there and I'm wondering if it's something simple like one broken gear which I can easily fix, or way more like significant a faulty circuit board, which I can't fix except perhaps by cannabalizing someone else's broken drive...

      • by Servo ( 9177 )
        They stopped selling the drive in September 06, but I don't see they won't service the drive after that time. Are you sure you can't get IBM to repair it? Sounds like something you'd really want them to look at if its its mechanical/electrical failure.

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