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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: The Leonine Contract 9

It's a pretty standard trope, but one that libertarians do not seem to believe can possibly exist. And it is a blind spot in economic justice in the United States of America.

The Lion and his Fellow Hunters, By Aesop
Once, a lion, a fox, a jackal, and a wolf went hunting. They caught a stag and killed it, and quartered the meat. "This quarter," said the lion, "is for me, as I am the King of Beasts. And this quarter is mine as the arbiter of the spoils. The third quarter is mine because of my part in chasing down the stag. And as for the fourth â" well, I'd like to see any of you dare to put so much as a paw on it." The other three animals were bitterly disappointed, but they slunk away, unwilling or unable to fight for their share of the meat.

Just because you help a lion doesn't mean he'll share.

So remember boys and girls, just because you help a rich man to run his business, does not mean he'll share the profits with you. Which leads us right back to an entirely Different Leo and his successors.

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The Leonine Contract

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  • As long as the opportunity to start your own business is equal, there seems a certain amount of whining involved in griping at the rich man.
    When the rich man buys politicians and locks out the poor, THEN I think there is basis for ire.
    • "As long as the opportunity to start your own business is equal"

      There's only one sub-industry I can think of today where that is true, and I've yet to meet anybody who is making a living at it (though, in that sub industry, cell phone app authorship, there have been some big short-term winners, most of them produce fad and fashion, not trend).

      • Really? People can't start restaurants? Daycares? Bicycle shops?
        • Not freely. Restaurants and daycares are regulated by the state, using laws written by larger businesses. They are limited in their ability to compete. Not sure about bicycle shops, but there is a reason why the price is going up, and it isn't because the technology has really changed in the last 75 years or so. Startup costs will prevent businesses from being opened, unless they are extremely minimal.

NOWPRINT. NOWPRINT. Clemclone, back to the shadows again. - The Firesign Theater
