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Journal GMontag's Journal: He 'finally' recognizes global warming? 3

Okay, idiots in the 'media', *I* am the one who does not believe that humans make a dent in the global climate. President Bush has been drinking that Kool-Aid since 2001 or earlier.

Seems nothing can satisfy the National Socialist international press.

Was thinking about researching this tonight. Many thanks to the readers of National Review for doing it for me.

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He 'finally' recognizes global warming?

Comments Filter:
  • Okay, idiots in the 'media', *I* am the one who does not believe that humans make a dent in the global climate.

    Me neither. I blame the Sun burning hotter.
  • ever since the glaciers that were covering Ohio receeded a few million years ago, we have been in a global warming trend. And 99.999% of that has been with out the aid of humans and our polluting machines. Then there was that Mt. St. Helens. Take a look at this little gem..... []

    The emission rates of sulfur dioxide peaked during summer 1980 at about 1,500 tons per day, decreased rapidly in late 1980, and remained low at about 100 tons per day through 1983. Emission rates of carbon dioxide decreased rapidly

Many people are unenthusiastic about their work.
