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Darn kids! Get off my planet!

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  • Good description.
  • I was fully intent on buying some the other week, but for the price of one of those I got 12 normal ones and I just don't care about the planet enough to justify that expense.
    • Yeah, except you didn't actually end up saving that much money, as the compact fluorescent light bulbs last about 10x as long as the regular bulbs: http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/wordpress/wp-con t ent/uploads/2007/01/light_bulb_chart.gif [outsidethebeltway.com]

      All you ensured by that purchase was having to change light bulbs a lot more frequently. I've been running some compact fluorescents for 4+ years now and haven't yet had to change them. Regular light bulbs go out after a year or so.
      • What brand? My parents just bought some "Low Energy/Long Life" bulbs for their gazebo because the ceilings are so high it's a pain. They went out after 2 weeks.
        • I buy (bought) the Sylvanias. I bought 13 of them 2-3 years ago for all of the ceilings fans in my old house and they all still work great. I had to replace all the various normal bulbs (appliances, outdoor, garage) at least 3-4 times each in the same time period.

          Now we are in a new house with all custom lighting, so I can only use them in the table lamps that we brought with us. I think there are about a dozen different types of bulbs in this place. And we are renting, so I can't just rip them all out
        • One really important note about low energy light bulbs: do NOT put them on a dimmer. If you put low energy light bulbs on a dimmer, they die within a matter of weeks. I've found this out the hard way.

          That's probably what did your parents' light bulbs in.
          • No, it's a switch. Off and On, nothing in between. They just got an off brand that defines long as "more than a day".

The young lady had an unusual list, Linked in part to a structural weakness. She set no preconditions.
