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Journal nocomment's Journal: Work stuff 1

They made an announcement that the new owners are going to be closing our biggest paper and going through even more layoffs. If it's not bad enough that I've already taken a pay-cut and been on wage freeze for the last year, and probably will be for the next year (that is.....if they even keep me around).

They're dumping huge projects on our little IT department that when done, will render a lot of us obsolete, but in the meantime make it impossible to look for a new job.

On the upside, all of a sudden my gmail is full of various ads for jobs at google. Yes I've already applied for them :-D We'll see how long it takes for them to respond.

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Work stuff

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  • The mid-west IT market is kinda booming atm if you have the right skills. Email me your resume if interested (marotti _at_ gmail)

Vax Vobiscum
