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Journal zotz's Journal: Copyleft Confusion

I just signed up with youtube and put up a few videos. (Under a CC BY-SA license.)

I searched for copyleft to see what other copyleft works were on there and found a lot of works tagged or otherwise marked as copyleft but with explanations indicating that they were not actually copyleft.

I am going to try and document Free, Open, and Copyleft confusions as I find them out in the wild. I invite you to join in if you wish.

Copyleft explained:


Youtube examples:

Found with a copyleft search on youtube but this is not copyleft:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qItNmoBl5lE (
Copyleft - Creative Commons Deed:
The NC here makes this not copyleft.

"Multiracial Alliance Building Peace Conference and is 100% copyleft and
non-copyrighted so we encourage people to duplicate it and circulate it around
the world!"
Claims to be copyleft and non-copyrighted at the same time. If it is public domain, it can't be copyleft. What is really meant?

Tggged: copyleft.
site: http://www.cincinman.info/index.html
"Cin Cin Man" was COPYRIGHTED and promptly COPYLEFTED (anybody is free to use it, improve, change, mutilate, but with NO commercial purposes/ www.creativecommons.org).
No commercial purposes means this is not copyleft.



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Copyleft Confusion

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