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Journal janeowit's Journal: Here's the mail. It never fails. 7

I still don't feel like I have enough time to devote to finishing the journal about a road trip I am planning based on a cd I'm in love with. And no, this isn't my South Dakota road trip, because that isn't so much based on a cd as it is based on a feeling, a feeling that I need to see the endless expanse of prairies before I will feel complete. But I don't think I could convince anyone to come to South Dakota with me. Plus it's more a search for tangible solitude and loneliness, so it's just as well that there aren't any takers.

But I opened a weeks worth of mail today, and here's the best of it.

1. Anne Geddes has a Philanthropic Trust for abused and neglected children. Not only does a small percentage of each purchase made with this special Visa go to her fund, but each dollar spent is also a point towards earning Anne Geddes merchandise, which I find disturbing. Just spend $10,000 and get a bag with the popular "Cheesecake" design which features a baby on a pile of pink roses. Where the cheesecake part comes in, I don't know. There's a little part of me that hopes money ends up going to children that were disfigured when shoved into flowerpots, or were forced to dress up like animals for the sick amusement of adults, you know, neglect and abuse Anne Geddes style.

2. There is a Targetto! When I use my check card at Target, it shows up on my checking account statement with some stuff about purchase number and then this. For one of the stores I shopped at this month it says "TARGETT (the address)", for the other it says, "TARGETT0 TARGETT0052". I swear, I shopped at Targetto. And you thought we were just being mean when we called it that.

3. The University I currently attend would like me to donate money to them to use for scholarships.

4. I earned $32.82 this quarter playing the stock market. It's not so much playing the stock market, as it is having the game on but being in the other room watching a movie. To celebrate my glorious birth, my grandfather's brother bought some stocks in an energy company in my name. Dividend, reinvestment, profit??? This piece of paper seems to tell me that I have 172.738 shares. I have no idea what's going on. Math is hard!

5. According to the Journal of Viral Hepatitis, the toothbrush of a person infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) really is a source of potential transmission, according to a recently published myth-verses-reality study. In a study of 30 HCV-infected patients, HCV RNA was found in the saliva of 30% and 37% of the patients before and after toothbrushing, respectively, and on 40% of the used toothbrushes. While the presence of viral RNA on a toothbrush does not prove potential transmission of the infection, a theoretical risk of transmission is present.

I have to go study now. I hope your mail is fun and educational. But I bet it's not as educational, because my APhA Drug Info Line actually comes pre-three-hole-punched it's that informative.

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Here's the mail. It never fails.

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  • Anne Geddes and Celine Dion collaborated on a coffee table book [] and aren't they just such a perfect match?!

    Think that baby looks more like a laughing Buddha [] than a cheesecake - cheesy, yes; cheesecake, eh ... no!
  • Loblaws is the largest grocery store chain in Canada. When I buy gas at the gas bar at one of the stores near us, it shows up on the credit card bill as LOBLOW
  • I think you have already been to SD. No? I thought that was the one family trip that was out of the confines of WI and MN. Has my whole life been a lie?
    • You are correct milady, I have been to South Dakota once. But I didn't appreciate it.

      I mostly remember that the mini-van we rented had Georgia license plates, so sometimes we would pretend to be from Georgia when we were at tourist places. I also learned the origins of the term'crackers'. I saw the movie Coneheads, and drank a lot of warm milk.

      As for South Dakota the state, I don't recall much of it at all. But it's been calling me back. I don't think that many people go on pilgrimages to South Dakota, so I
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        I have been to South Dakota once. But I didn't appreciate it.

        That reminds of how I feel about Kansas after driving through: basically what I appreciate most about Kansas is that I don't live there.

        The college request for scholariship donations cracks me up. It would be even more amusing if the donation was tax deductible, and you were able to get the money back as a scholarship.

    • First, cousinkate, it's just barely possible that we visited South Dakota AND your whole life has been a lie. Hmmm, ? Think about it. Second, janeowit, I be up to a return trip to South Dakota. I bet we could take Kate's car.


    1. Anne Geddes is a child pornographer. I went into HR one day at my last job and the lady had an AG screen saver. I asked her why she could have child pornography on her computer, and I couldn't even have a picture of my girlfriend in a bikini on my desk because it might offend someone. Interestingly enough I didn't work there much longer.
    2. I call it Tar-zyae (frenchie sounding)
    3. Tell them you already gave to the janeowit tuition fund, thanks.
    4. It's not Enron is it?
    5. I could have told you that! It was on

FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse using ad hoc techniques. -- D. Gries [What's good about it? Ed.]
