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Journal ellem's Journal: [Live Review] Airborne Night Time 4

OK I like the Airborne products. I heard about them years ago on Stern or something and I tried them and they work. They claim to have been invented by a Second Grade Teacher who was always catching colds from the little typhoid Marys and Jacks in their class.

So I see an advertisement for Airborne Night Time and I'm in. NyQuil is one of my favorite things. What? I like Eucalyptus? Mixing the two? Brilliant!

OK, Here we go:

  1. Hot water 4-6oz, check.
  2. 1 Airborne Night Time Tablet (Hot Apple Cider Flavor), check.
  3. Drop tablet into cup...

Holy shit that's a lot of fizzing.

Lynda: Jesus Christ it's like jet going off. What the Hell is that smell? It smells like pinecones! Why don't you go outside and lick pinecones? You'll never be sick - pinecone licker!

Me: I have to keep my health! Oh God this tastes like muddy water and smells so bad. There's floaty. No no no! It's on my tongue! It hurts, it hurts! Oh God make it stop!

Lynda: Open your mouth I think it's fizzing I want to see.

Me: Mah lah bleah bleah pfft! Good God what have I put in my mouth?


So I can highly recommend this product. You should all go get some.


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[Live Review] Airborne Night Time

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