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Journal janeowit's Journal: Rub a dub dub 4

I have so much fun stuff I want to write about, but since I have to "educate my colleagues on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatments, and prognosis of a condition that will not be covered in the curriculum" tomorrow, and am still only two-thirds done with the paper on Sjogren's, I'll just give you a quick bathtub update.

Unbeknown to me, my building is under new management so this afternoon, fifteen minutes after I get home, a maintenance person shows up. He's twelve maybe thirteen. He spends 80% of his time in the hallway, and voila, thirty minutes later, my water is draining better than ever. He doesn't like that it drips, so he wants to come back and fix that. I forgot to mention my moldy ceiling, but I feel like I shouldn't wear him out. I mean, he came the same day I called. It took three days to get the heating people here in the middle of January. And I got my bathtub fixed the day I called.

Isn't life great sometimes?

And so annoying and tedious others?

These safety and effectiveness parameters aren't writing themselves, so I should get back to work. It would be nice if they would, I had some osteoarthritis ones write themselves once. But this doesn't even make it into 2500 page textbook so I'll actually have to think.

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Rub a dub dub

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  • Your new maintenance people sound great.

    And if I can hark back to the little PS in your previous JE re Tyson Super Stud: I just couldn't stop laughing reading that article, particularly Heidi Fleiss assertion that 'it's every man's fear that their girlfriend will go for Mike Tyson' struck me as insanely funny. Don't they teach people anything at prostitution school any more?
    • Don't they teach people anything at prostitution school any more?
      That's hilarious.

      I know Heidi Fleiss was a good business woman back in the day, but I don't think a brothel for women is going to catch on. I bet science has already proven it. It was something that had to do with emotions, or it just being a stupid idea.
      Personally, I'd be a little worried Mike would get carried away and bite off an ear or something.

      • There's a surcharge for the ear biting.
        • I read about Mike Tyson being a prostitute at []. Here's what illseed had to say:


          Yes, Mike Tyson has managed to go lower than the bass in a chopped-n-screwed record. Tyson has agreed to be a male "escort" at a legalized brothel for women in Nevada, which is owned by Heidi Fleiss - the madam. Fleiss owns 60 acres in NV and commented, "I told him, 'You're going to be my big stallion." She should have just thrown "black" in there while she was at it. At an

"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats." -- Howard Aiken
