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Journal Ethelred Unraed's Journal: Response to both eglamkowski and Stargoat 11

I vote mainly for Democrats because their loonies are slightly less unpalatable to me than the loonies on the other side.

'Nuff said.


Unraed-Dragon in '08! Cast your vote, seal your fate! Burnination shall turn the tide, vote for us or we'll have your hide!

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Response to both eglamkowski and Stargoat

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  • "I vote mainly for Democrats because their loonies are slightly less unpalatable to me than the loonies on the other side."

    Yep. I'm ready for a different kind of governmental insanity. I hope that it'll be an improvement, and I fear that it actually could be worse.
  • of Democrats in control of Congress and a Republican in control of the White House, or the other way around. They're so busy screwing over each other that there's little time left to screw the rest of us over.

  • You wind up, pushed out a 8th story window, either way.

    With Dems, you get a ledge.

    They'd build a fire escape, but that money paid for the Israeli 'defense' budget.
  • I vote mainly for Democrats because their loonies are slightly less unpalatable to me than the loonies on the other side.

    Enough MSG and meat tenderizer, and boil them first to remove excess fat, before BBQing them, and they all taste like pork. Just have your veep sear them to preserve all the juicy tenderness.

  • I'm not sure how you'd find Alcee Hastings, John Murtha, and William Jefferson (he of the $70,000 in the freezer fame) to be terribly palatable.
    • I like them in a cheese sauce with a side of cole slaw and some fries myself.



      • LOL. Just saw tomhudson's post above after posting mine. :-D

        Alert Karl Rove: Libruls are cannibuls! Why, they even rhyme!




        Dear Sir,

        I wish to protest in the strongest terms against the slanderous claim that liberals are advocates of cannibalism. Many of my best friends ar liberals, and only some are cannibals.

        Yours sincerely etc.,

        Queen Victoria

I don't want to be young again, I just don't want to get any older.
