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Journal SolemnDragon's Journal: Our thanksgiving table. 13

What it will have:

Quorn roasts (slice them diagonally, it looks disturbingly like turkey and tastes similar but not quite the same.)

Mashed potatoes. And/or baked potatoes. Sonjamum sent us home with homegrown taters and we can't wait to serve them.

Stuffing. Blinder has his family's stuffing recipe. It's pretty good, we use gluten-free bread.

Peas. I like peas. Not everyone does, but we'll compromise. (see note below regarding squash)

Squash. Blinder likes it. I'm not that much a fan of it, but what the hell. I at least recognise it as a food, which is more than i can say for cranberries.

Olives. And possibly pickles. You know, small garnishy things.

Milk, juice, soda, etc. Probably not wine.

Pie, mincemeat in ramekins, maybe roasted apples. Ice cream.

What it will NOT have:

Travel. We're having a quiet, peaceful home thanksgiving.

Family issues. Nope, no drama. Phone calls will be limited to five minutes and consist of a quick happy thanksgiving wish and an i love you.

Stress. We will be taking it easy the evening before, the day of, and the day after. No fuss this year.

Cranberry sauce, unless someone requests it. I hate cranberries. You can't convince me that they are a food. Nothing that tastes like that is an actual food. I'll serve it if a guest likes it, but i'm done eating things i don't like on holidays just to be polite.

Pumpkin pie. Ick. Sorry, i can't deal with it. I have never liked most custards and pumpkin custard is nauseating to me. No, sorry, no pumpkin pie.

Uncontrolled fires. We hope to have a burnination-free thanksgiving, so fires will be limited to candles and the like.

Goodness, i can't believe it's already this time of year. What happened? Where did the year go? Weren't we just here?

This discussion was created by SolemnDragon (593956) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Our thanksgiving table.

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  • Confectionary pies I just... uh. They always taste so heavy and that combined with sweet is very unappetizing to me. People thought I was crazy that I didn't like Pumpkin Pie. But then I really don't like those with fruit filling or merangue either. The only pie I like (barring hair) is Pecan Pie... an that really isn't pie. It's mostly sugar mashed in with pecans into a thick paste ala marzipan. Love that isht.
    • i watched my wife make a pecan pie one year and well - i love it but i wish i hadn't seen that. now each bite i think about how i'm basically eating a bunch of sugar flavored butter with nuts on top.
      • by Timex ( 11710 ) *
        i watched my wife make a pecan pie one year and well - i love it but i wish i hadn't seen that.

        There are several foods I like that I feel the same way about. I *love* terriaki steak, but I don't want to know where it comes from, for fear that I won't like what I see.
  • it went quick. this is primarily due to the global time acceleration, which i believe is primarily due to human activity (but also influenced by quantum fluctuations in the sobosphere) as to where the year went - to dimension x. where all the years go.

    this year my family is having our first thanksgiving where we do our own thing. it will be that way for christmas too so i'm throwing out stuff now that i hope to have as traditions down the road, when this year and many others have found their way
  • by ellem ( 147712 ) *
    I eat my peas with honey
    It makes them tasty rather funny
    But it keeps them on the knife
    • Hmm. You forgot the line "I've done it all my life."

      I also learned a slightly different third (your second) line.

      For the record, I don't eat peas unless forced.
  • You confused the pumpkin out of me! I saw this:

    What it will NOT have:


    I thought Wicked and Evil had finally done her in. Is Mr. Humphreys coming to Thanksgiving?
  • Pumpkin pie. Ick. Sorry, i can't deal with it. I have never liked most custards and pumpkin custard is nauseating to me. No, sorry, no pumpkin pie.

    I don't have issues with custards, per se. One fateful Thanksgiving, when i was a young child, i stuffed myself to overfull. Then, i had a piece of pumpkin pie, which caused everything in my stomach to rebel, and i barely made it to the bathroom, where i was violently sick.

    I have not been able to eat pumpkin pie ever since.


  • Pray for us. We're deep frying the turkey this year. (Alton Brown style!)

    We will also be having fried cheese corn grits.

    I swear I was a Southern Belle in my past life.
  • It makes the rest of the food feel better! It's like a big self-esteem boost for any food that doesn't get finished! It's the sci-fi convention of thanksgiving foods!

    "They may not have eaten all of me, but at least I'm not cranberry sauce"

    Or, for the more noble minded foods, "At least the cranberry sauce survived unscathed"

    Cranberry sauce is like fruitcake, it's there for tradition. It won't be missed.

    And they need to make a dark meat quorn. :-) I'm actually tempted to cook a turkey solely for the dark
    • 1. does this mean you'll be over for thanksgiving?

      2. are you bringing trmj?

      3. do you want help cooking herr turkey? i do know how, i wasn't always a vegemetarian.

      ps you may bring cranberry sauce, i'll serve it. but i wouldn't if you hadn't said so. Maybe we'll stand the candles in it.

Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid. - Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team
