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[POLL] Marry this woman

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  • Does she have a good personality?
  • It's (q) all the way. Boo-yah!
  • That video on homosexuality was great!
  • by ces ( 119879 )
    Absolutely but only because she is totally hot. Hot chicks can get away with being all gross and disgusting (it actually makes them hotter).

    Not-hot chicks really can't act like this without it making them even more unattractive.
  • "?"...

    If you need to ask why, you haven't been paying attention.

    Besides... It's well-known that the right makeup can work miracles!
    • Sweet Lord! Another evangelical comes out!

      Well, all I can say is I want to see Falwell in a tutu.

      Actually, come to think of it, I really don't.



      • by Timex ( 11710 ) *
        Sweet Lord! Another evangelical comes out!

        To be perfectly honest Ethelred, this isn't new news [slashdot.org]... That one was dated April 8, 2006. tomhudson made a reference in her JE [slashdot.org] on July 12, 2006.

        Methinks you've allowed yourself to be distracted, m'lud.
        • Distracted? I'm never distra...look at them hooters!

          As I was saying, I'm never distrac..you're what?

          Sonofabitch! He's got hooters!

          Hmmmm, an interesting idea, actually. If I had my own, I'd never run out of entertainment!

          /me dials the cosmetic surgeon

          It costs how much? Listen, you'll be the first up against the wall...what do you mean, "what wall"? Don't you know who I am? You...don't. But you do see my number on Caller ID and you're going to call the...wait! Ha-ha, just a joke -- hey, he hung up o

          • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

            Sonofabitch! He's got hooters!

            I wish.

            Hmmmm, an interesting idea, actually. If I had my own, I'd never run out of entertainment!

            I understand that some places, augmentation surgery goes for about $10k... The trick is in not going to a "butcher shop" where shoddy work is done.

            It costs how much? Listen, you'll be the first up against the wall...what do you mean, "what wall"? Don't you know who I am? You...don't. But you do see my number on Caller ID and you're going to call the...wait! Ha-ha, just a joke -- he

  • Oh, yes... most definitely...

core error - bus dumped
