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Journal btlzu2's Journal: it's been a while 35

since i said 'i'm sorry' :)

drunken je. that's what's been a while. i think a year ago on my b-day. :) anyway, having a lot of nice single malt bushmilll's wisky.

wdb and i enjoyed it thoroughy. letting off some steam. :) it was a tought week!!!!

hey. :) life can be goood, sometimes it's tough, but we can all get there if we stick with it. i hope everyone is ok. i actually see dobule. you know it the movies, you think that's silly about "oh, which one, the left one or right one?", well i'm seeing oduble!!! heh

hey!!! i've got a new computer!!! it's cool and a widescreen lcd with the surround sound. it's fun, but i'll never be home to enjoy the damn theing. it's been YEARAS since I got a new computer. well i'll regret this stupidity tomorrow.

haggard is a dickhead hypocritic. fucker. how can people be such assholes and try to make other people ignorant? it's so sad.

hey. solumn dragon thinks i'm all lovey dovey. i guess it's true! much love to you all. i wish stupidity was outlawed. i like tose books by al franken. he's hilarious, but i've also checked his references. he's telling the truth!!!! hannity is a fuckwad asslicker and so is o'reilly. don't get me started on that lying weird jackasss coulter. she's so fucked it's sad. i've followed up on his (frnaken's) references and he's telling the truth!!!! i'm definitely becoming more liberal. sorry gmontag and redwarrrior . i like you guys, hopeyou don't think i'm a shithead just because i think liberals are smarter tan the average republican right wing fundamnetilasmt ijiot. i spelled ijiot like irish people say it. :)

bye. this was weird. don't make fun of me this time. please!!! :D

This discussion was created by btlzu2 (99039) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

it's been a while

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    • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
      thanks friend. :) it's actually only a small headache. i can handle that! it was worth it... how've you been anyway?
      • I'm going quite fine. Well, married life isn't always what you think it would be, but hey, I'm a guy that doesn't give up on the first try. ;-) Nah, everything is okay. Glad you didn't have a too big hangover. I know too well how it feels... :-( been looking on my own drinking (but not tonight) and SmilingGirl is being extremely supporting.

        You allright? :-D I sure hope so.

        • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
          i'm ok. i'm dealing with a tough customer, but i LOVE my job. this customer though, PAIN IN THE BEHIND.

          thanks man. actually, you know marriage isn't always what you expect, but if you both are honest and stick with it, it's REALLY REALLY rewarding if you don't give up. hopefully you find common ground on the stuff you didn't expect. it's part of growing as a human, you know?

          i'm glad smilingwife (!) is extremely supporting. :) i just hope that i can make it over to europe someday soon and take you and
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    • by Mantorp ( 142371 ) *
      Thou shalt not be caught the week before the election when in a position of high moral power and bullshititude buying drugs and sex from male hookers.
    • i am pretty sick over the whole thing -- but i don't see any connection between what this guy did and how i or anyone else should/would vote in any election. what in the world do his personal problems have to do with anything? now if he himself were running for office in an election where i was voting, it would affect my vote.

      what is interesting to me is that haggard and the self confessed prostitute/drug dealer are both not in jail. have they both not admitted to the entire country that they've broken l
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        • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
          i couldn't have said that better myself, that's why i didn't. i'd just come across as the loony anti-religion guy again and that doesn't help anyone. :)

          i wish hypocrisy was against the law.
          • if it were, there would not be a single person in the country who could not be convicted.
            • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
              hmmm... do you think you could find a way to provide an "excuse" to an atheist who secretly believed in god, but deconverted thousands of christians or woud you find it reprehensible at that poiint. I'm not trying to attacl you, but really find out what you honestly think about that question.
              • i'm not making an excuse for him. i believe that he will answer for what he did. i think it will happen now and i think it will happen later. i don't think that everyone does something makes it o.k. i am merely pointing out that hypocrisy is, to my knowledge, an integral part of the human condition.

                on a regular basis i complain about how other people drive, but then i'll turn around and cut someone off. it bothers me that people don't eat as well as they should, but i've been snacking on left o
                • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
                  there's a HUGE difference to me between complaining about how people drive and then making a bad mistake and KNOWINGLY being a spiritual leader who condemns the lifestyles of those that he really belongs with. it's sad and it's disgusting.

                  i know i'm the one who said that about hypocrisy, but it was a bit off the cuff. i really meant people who abuse their power over people when they're knowingly part of what they condemn. if i ever did something like he did, i would never forgive myself.

                  additionally, the
                  • you don't need to apologize. i'm glad we get to talk about this stuff. you've been civil and patient and its been interesting.

                    i agree that there is a difference. my comment was just my initial reaction to trying to codify something like hypocrisy. it just wouldn't work. but i completely agree with you that it is reprehensible. as a christian i believe that leaders are held to a higher standard -- so while you don't believe it, i think he will be held accountable.

                    i wouldn't disagree wit
        • i don't know what he said or did. i've never read anything he's said beyond some small snippets of his apology. but i still don't see the connection. what if tomorrow some really well known homosexual person who's battled for same sex marriage publicly came out and said it was all a lie and that in reality they liked to be with people of the opposite sex and that they did drugs. would that mean people should immediately see that the whole thing was a scam and vote against same sex marriage? i don't thi
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            • well - don't you go crushing the pedestal i've put you on. you're the man.

              i took the whole thing with 'duke' cunningham a lot harder because he was a hero of mine. (i really don't know squat about haggard. i'm not really in tune with the more politically minded side of american christianity) but what it reminded me is that having people as heroes is usually a mistake, in my opinion, unless you are prepared to take in their failures. the people who are recognized, famous, etc. have some really sp
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                • one would think that it wouldn't be such a big surprise- recent history and all that. when i was in bible college, there was a pastors conference that was held on campus during spring breaks. pastors from around the country would stay in the dorms-- and afterwards we always found porn in some of the rooms. they really are just regular folks. they have an ideal that they strive for, but often fall short.

                  i was thinking about what you said and it made me think about my grandpa. he always smoked a
    • Oh. I thought smoochie was talking about these guys [].
  • ...and they're all lying.

    i like tose books by al franken. he's hilarious, but i've also checked his references. he's telling the truth!!!! hannity is a fuckwad asslicker and so is o'reilly. don't get me started on that lying weird jackasss coulter. she's so fucked it's sad. i've followed up on his (frnaken's) references and he's telling the truth!!!!

    For every reference that franken has, someone on the other side will come up with another reference that casts the validity of franken's in doubt.


    • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
      hey mike, i'm the first to condemn loud-mouthed entertainers who spew platitudes without knowing a damn thing. seriously! however, franken has impressed me tremendously.

      he hired about 14 grad students from Harvard to do a lot of research for him to have the evidence for the points he made. all the attacks on his book were just ad hominem. additionally, you can find almost all of his references with simple google or lexus-nexis searches.

      i haven't been able to find any evidence that contradicts his conclu
      • by RevMike ( 632002 )

        i think the sixties woke this country up. look at the decade before the 60's!!! Denial city son. Repression, racism, sexism. ugh. that would be miserable knowing what i know now. i have more and more respect for a lot of the causes of the 60's than i ever had as a young republican. :) it also suits my rebellious "down with the man" side. you oughta listen a little more closely to those Pink Floyd lyrics!!! just kidding... ;)

        Don't knock the fifties. The civil rights movement is a shining example of what w

        • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
          revmike! exactly. you just said a lot of stuff that i've been thinking about over the last few years.

          a couple of things. the sixties. i was born in 1973, i didn't go through the sixties. my parents did, and have shared many many stories from that era, as well as my own research and just paying attention and i have come to the very simple conclusion that apart from mlk there was very little to be proud of in the sixties.

          a lot of the hippies and hippie-wannabes point to the sixties as being a time when cultur
          • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
            blinder, take it from me, al franken is absolutely not a moron. i can definitely agree to disagree with almost everything you said here, but it's not fair to bash and spread disinformation about someone IMO unless you can back it up. have you actually ever read any of his books or is that just what the other conservatives say?

            to me, someone like rush limbaugh is a "moron" for mocking michael j. fox while planting seeds of doubt about him. have you seen him shaking like that when he imitated him? that's
            • by blinder ( 153117 ) *

              where does it say that i have to be "fair?" and how does a post on a website expressing a personal opinion count as not being fair?

              look, all things being equal, i think 99% of all commentators are pretty useless regardless of political alignment... but when one of them writes a book with a title that is just pure ad hominem (even if it is to just sell more books) - then they get to be called a moron.

              the right cold hearted? says who? does the left have a monopoly on caring? i'm hardly a "right winger"
              • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
                blinder, i'm sorry. i wasn't trying to attack you. i was just trying to find out what your background was on al franken's books. i know you have some conservative views, but i'm the first to say that a person cannot be labeled according to one undefinable set of views.

                it just happens that a lot of people who call themselves conservatives, like limbaugh and coulter attack franken without any factual basis. his book has "name calling" attacks, but his ultimate logic is not based upon them. he calls peopl
              • 1. blinder, calm the hell down. That was a particularly wild reaction there and a little uncalled for.

                2. Smoochy, this is real touchy turf for him, so let's all back off a little.

                I think that the worst thing to happen in politics is the us-versus-them, and i'm calling a time out on this whole conversation for now, all right?

                I'd like for you both, if you don't mind, to reread this while trying to see how you might NOT be attacking one another, and how your own words might be construed that way. Blinder, you
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      • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
        That was great Sammy. It's one of the tons of types of examples Franken uses in his book. Incredible. I can't believe it. Rush and Ann Coulter are the best at doing this crap and I think the buck stops at the top! It disgusts me.
        • by Mantorp ( 142371 ) *
          I was watching FOXnews this afternoon hoping to catch some Haggard news, but all they were talking about was John Kerry. At the same time as they were slamming his outrageous insult of the troops they offer little tidbits called FOX FACTS on the bottom ticker. These two facts ran after each other during the story: President Bush served in the Air National Guard. John Kerry took part in veterans against the war protests.

          Haggard being gay reminds me of a certain criminal in Sweden in the 90s who shot two cops

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  • that i LIKE you for it.

    i owe you an email. GOnna talkl to the doc about your suggestion; for the reasons you stated, i may well have been wrong and i think your advice is sound about medication.

You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on. -- Hepler, Systems Design 182
