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Journal banky's Journal: pleased with tags 3

rarely does Slashdot introduce anything worth noticing, but I must say, the tags are making me smile.

In particular, the tags itsatrap and asshole.

I like the tags, enough that I would consider tossing a couple bucks at /. in the form of a subscription, to say how happy I am.

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pleased with tags

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  • I love when it is something partisan, and you see lots of variations of "fud/notfud" tags, with the occasional colorful/witty tag thrown in. I wish politicians had to wear tags that we could change.
    • yeah I've seen the tag wars. there's a lot of fud/notfud vaporware/notvaporware, etc. People just love disagreeing with each other. No they don't.
      • so subscribers only, eh? Oh well. But Ihave noticed that fud shows up a lot. Makes my smile now.


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