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Journal banky's Journal: 3 11

Watched some vid on C&L where Col. Gravel Voice disagrees with Hannity, by being pro-Webb and dismissing Allen as a "football player". Hannity pouted a little.

I actually do like Webb a little. He's sorta growing on me. I think my primary opposition to Webb is that, in order to get back to the pre-hijacking era of the Republican Party, he has to get in bed with post-hijacking Democrats.

Fuck we need a viable third party.

I've been listening to Bad Religion all morning and so I'm a little testy.

In other news, the exercise bike tried to kill me yesterday (there's a bug in its heart-rate-vs-resistance calculation, I can prove it!), there was some sort of domestic altercation in my neighborhood (2nd in 3 years), I am getting closer to picking new tat art, and I hate Best Buy more than anything else in the world right now. Oh and I'd probably go on that "male contraception" thing from the front page, but between bullshit Jesus-freakery and the morons at BC/BS, I'd probably have to eat hot coals to get a scrip for it. They still won't give me a vasectomy, I'm only 33. ("But doctor, there's too many people in the world, and my wife wants to keep her tats/tits/ass intact for the rest of her life, we'll adopt if we need a little bundle of joy" doesn't seem to work. Perhaps they don't understand just how vain my wife is.)

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  • I had mine at 32 or 33. The doctor asked me many questions to make sure I was certain and required my wife to be present at some point (not that being married was a requirement by him, he just wanted to be sure both parties were in agreement), but he had no issues with my age or the fact that we didn't have kids already. Maybe I was convincing enough in my assertion that we had known for a very long time that we didn't want a family.

    • Spousal "consent" was req'd here in GA, too -- even though Hubby was 43 and we have 2 kids.

      Plus he got fuckin AWESOME drugs. And all *we* can take when we're preggers is Tylenol?!

      Goddamn misogynistic bastards.

      • by dave-tx ( 684169 ) *

        Spousal "consent" was req'd here in GA, too -- even though Hubby was 43 and we have 2 kids. Plus he got fuckin AWESOME drugs. And all *we* can take when we're preggers is Tylenol?!

        I'm not sure if spousal consent is actually required in Texas, but the doc explained to me that there was much less likelihood of an angry wife showing up at his office if he made certain that she knew ahead of time. I can respect that.

        I don't remember getting particularly good drugs. Maybe something with a bit of codeine in i

        • Trick for getting better drugs... tell them you are allergic to codeine and Darvocet. The next step is Hydrocodone or Percocet. (I actually am allergic to codeine (so no "Gangsta Lean" for me) and Darvocet does absolutely nothing for me.)
          • by dave-tx ( 684169 ) *
            Ah, good suggestion. I've actually got a pretty well-stocked medicine chest, after going through a 6-week migraine episode a year ago. Nothing was working, so my doc(s) kept giving me different 'scrips. Maybe it's time for a party.
            • by wizbit ( 122290 )
              Incidentally (sorry to intrude, banky) - are you the same dave-tx I saw on the hockeybuzz forums?
            • I know from experience (when I had my wisdom teeth cut out (3 were impacted)) that Percocet goes GREAT with margaritas.
  • My one of my best friends got his vasectomy at 25. Before he got married.
    He's classifed learning disabled but there ain't nothing wrong with him.
    He just told the doc that he was afraid of passing it on and that he didn't feel capable of caring for a child.

    Eugenics is alive and well.

    He's on his second wife now raising her 2 kids just fine.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
