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Journal Red Warrior's Journal: He never hung his hat at Kitty's place 1

I should've learned to rope & ride.

'tis all.


In other news, spent yesterday with my sons boy scout troop. They had what amounted to a day camp[1]. Sort of a round-robin affair. 10 stations with up to 70 points each. My sons troop took 1st place in most of the events, with a few 2nds and 3rds, one "middle of the pack" (Pun intended). and an first "overall" with 681 of 700 possible points. One would have thought that it was an inside job, as the overall administration was run by my sons troop leaders. However, the events were run and scored by parents/leaders of the other troops. His troop also got first (173 ft) and second (171 ft) in the "pumpkin chuck" competition.

More better, his troop got 1st in the plant identification event because he was the only scout who could identify thimbleberry from just the leaf. AND he was the only kid to get on base five times out of five at bats, and with no walks. (Oh yeah, they had a pickup baseball game while waiting for the end of camp campfire).

The event was pretty well run, and enjoyable other than the "nobody camped at the campout" part. :-)

The end of camp campfire was fun, with skits, awards, and a few flag retirements.

[1] There was camping available both Friday and Saturday night, which we had planned on doing. However, for various reasons, none of the rest of his troop was doing so, so we ended up not. I was informed that it wasn't fun without the rest of the troop.

This discussion was created by Red Warrior (637634) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

He never hung his hat at Kitty's place

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  • I have a feeling that I will be involved in scouting, with or with out having any kids of my own. How else can I get to go camping / backpacking?

    I always wanted to go into scouting but grew up (mostly) Jewish and since Scout meetings were _always_ Saturdays, that was out. :-/


Modeling paged and segmented memories is tricky business. -- P.J. Denning
