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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Cardow cartoon cannot be unseen 14

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While the 2013 "Lie of the Year" was Obamaâ(TM)s pledge that you can keep your doctor and your health insurance, the 2014 "Weasel of the Year" must surely be Herr Gruber, architect of fraud and deceit.

I guess, since damn_registrars doesn't really fib (does he?) and Gruber is an Economist from MIT, that MIT is some kind of an insurance company, right?
I recall going to my soon-to-be-ex Congresscritter's town hall on the Affordable Care Act, and being verbally accosted by an Obama drone of working for an insurance company because I opposed ObamaCare. #GoodNotGoodTimes

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Cardow cartoon cannot be unseen

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  • I'd expect an article talking about criminally prosecuting Gruber would at least make reference to some violation of the criminal code. I see no crime. Neither the author nor his interviewee mention any crime. He makes vague references to "Deceit. Fraud. Premeditated felonious theft.," but he simply gave his opinions; he didn't implement anything. The theft was by the government, not him. The fraud was perhaps aided by him, but no court has ever found that government fraud of this type is prosecutable,

    • court has ever found that government fraud of this type is prosecutable...

      Of course not, you dope! The entire government would collapse, and everybody in it would have to be arrested... These people cannot touch each other without bringing themselves and the whole house down upon them. You don't need to reply. I know you believe the charade is for real and will provide nothing all the standard responses as you repeatedly have before. I'm just passing by, whistling a little tune...

      • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

        Of course not, you dope!

        I'm a dope because you ... agreed with me? You think that little of yourself?

        ... you believe the charade is for real

        You're a liar.

        • Well, you did seem to lament the courts' inaction in total ignorance of their motivations. That, and I just cannot resist mocking all you for always singling out one particular issue based purely on the person implementing it. When talking about transparency, it's yours that is the most obvious...

          You're a liar.

          :-) I love you, too, smoochy-kins...

          • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

            ... you did seem to lament the courts' inaction ...

            Not in any way, no, I did not.

            you ... always singl[e] out one particular issue based purely on the person implementing it

            You're a liar.

            When talking about transparency, it's yours that is the most obvious...

            I agree. I am nearly completely transparent and obvious and clear. I lack pretense or disguise.

          • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

            The bizarre thing is that you're accusing me of "singling out one particular issue based purely on the person implementing it," when you have literally no example of me ever doing that, ever, least of all in this discussion, where if anything I was taking Gruber's side.

  • He also did "Romneycare"... After looking at his associates and past, your attempt to single this event out once again falls flat.

    • Given the corpus of Gruberisms already dribbled out, one has to wonder when someone will question the timing. How did *none* of this come out for the 2012 election, in particular, the Romney connection, which would have helped literally AnyoneButRomney. It's almost as though this whole sordid river of lies is being choreographed by the Powers That Be, or something.
      • Pay no attention to the content of the lies, or even the people telling them. All that is totally irrelevant. What is important is that people believe them. Understand the mechanism, and learn to direct the flock as they do. Just remember, to practice what you learn, you will have sold your soul to the devil, and you will become the enemy.

        • I think you're partially correct. The actual liars, and their patterns do lose efficacy over time. Hence the variations between, e.g. global warming, health care, income inequality, immigration, war on women, &c.
          But all the memetic warfare is triggering fatigue, as well. The Trayvon Martin effort to start a race war fizzled. I don't think Ferguson is going to deliver the desired French Revolution, either.
          While these old Gustav LeBon plays retain some power, the Left both lacks the media lock necessary
  • "Yeah I Grubered the American people with Obamacare, and if ya'll don't like it, you can kiss my big black ass"?

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
