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Journal On Lawn's Journal: Why the marriage-is-just-a-contract shippers are wrong 4

A friend of mine (a self proclaimed liberal democrat) put up a post on Opine about privatizing marriage. I know it is a popular refrain from many here on /. They feel that marriage should be "just a contract" that anyone can write up as they please.

Well, that seems to be like an Escher painting. Looks good on paper but is sevierly self-conflicting in real life. I underline that point in my comment to his post.

[Update: Check out XRLQ's absolute scewering of "Mass Marrier"]

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Why the marriage-is-just-a-contract shippers are wrong

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  • Which is why I also support the elimination of those benefits, as well. And I say this as a married guy.

    • by On Lawn ( 1073 )
      As long as you are honest.

      Personally I see marriage as an institution that needs protection/recognition/definition because it is such an obvious and inseperable appendage to personal freedom.
      • I see the protections asnecessary because no other person has as much access to another person as a spouse does. That other person can do more damage than any other person. So that relationship should have the most protections and safegaurds.

        • by On Lawn ( 1073 )

          That, but probably more important the children are the most vulerable. For instance check out this exchange [] with Dan Morgan. When you cannot see past the adults needs, the children most often suffer. And that is the easiest explaination of why the state is involved. Children have a right to be born and raised in a family where the parents are devoted in marriage and stay married.

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