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Data Storage

Journal zuki's Journal: Long-Term Archival Strategies For Media Library

Here is an interesting dilemna which many other IT people probably have with Digital Assets Management (DAM). We have a real-life media output of around 60 Gigs of audio/video data per week, (that makes it about 3 Terabytes per year, and will be for at least 10 years or so) all of which has to be logged and archived for long-term use, but does not necessarily need to be live 'on-line' all at the same time on a device such as a SAN. What is the most economical and viable method to use which will be rated for at least 20 ~ 30 years of archival life, with the total library size expected to grow to about 50 Terabytes? Is a 72-slot LTO-3 library something that is likely to be a good value per gigabyte of storage? Is there open-source software capable of controlling such a robotic library, and which can initiate restore operations from querying the database where all this media is catalogued? Anyone know of any media asset management software that's already written and could be modified to control such a library and deliver content to a variety of devices over a network? Would love to hear some real-life experiences with similar situations so that I can evaluate what to get and how to configure it. I have read up on systems such as Artesia DAM and Sun iForce, which run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and was hoping for something far less pricey, but still capable and with reasonable redundancy.
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Long-Term Archival Strategies For Media Library

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