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Journal cyranoVR's Journal: What if the Democrats win in November? 2

The topic on CSPAN's Washington Journal right now is "What if the Democrats Win?"

I believe that if the Democrats win, we will soon after have a Constitutional Crisis. Bush will issue executive orders that directly contradict any social laws or policy passed by the Democratic Congress. Attorney General Gonzales will issue memorandums declaring Unconstitutional any and all laws passed having to do with Terrorism or Civil Liberties, asserting that the President's powers are Absolute.

Now a caller is saying that if the Democrats win, then "we're going to have another Nine-Eleven." That's a page right out of Dick Cheney's playbook. In a worst-case scenario, we suffer another terrorist attack, and Bush/Cheney uses it as a justification to overtly overturn / ignore laws passed by the Democratic Congress. They may even decide to disolve the Legislative "until the time of crisis has passed."

Actually, they may do that even if the Democratic Party doesn't take control.

Actually, they will probably do that even if there's no attack. Right before November 2004 when Bush's numbers sucked, DHS was issuing all sorts of ominous statements about "postponing" the Election "indefinitely" "just in-case." Hey, when your "job" is to "defend" America, "sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do." All you citizens just go about your business!

If the Democrats win, there is one thing I can tell you won't happen: Impeachment. This is just more Republican FUD. The Democratic Party is about plans and solutions, not power-grabs and finger-pointing.

Get this - two people in the last hour have called up and accused Democrats calling up on the Republican line and "pretending" to be "Bush-hating" Republicans. Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, nutjobs *cough*33percentapproval*cough*


This discussion was created by cyranoVR (518628) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

What if the Democrats win in November?

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  • .. and you better ph34r us!

    Seriously. The induce-fear-now scenario is playing again, and it seem to have effect on otherwise perfectly sane normal good meaning human beings. What if. I predict. I have written in my book.

    Fuck all that.

    You should not choose out of fear, it is the worst possible guide. Choose your friends. Choose life. Choose a fucking television. Choose for whatever promises you an acceptable and reasonable future.

    ps: And don't choose for oil and/or war producing industries / puppets.
  • OH NOES, TEH TAXES AND TEH TERRAH! will prevent all but a few from voting.

    I know, personally, a number of people who in the last couple elections have been ready to vote Democratic and at the last second - I mean literally in the moment before finger hit hacked Diebold touch-screen - they could not bring themselves (ugh) to vote for a Dem, citing one of security, taxes, "morality" and the like. I predict this will be the norm.

    The margins will be ever-closer, but they will not lose control.

You've been Berkeley'ed!
