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Journal TopShelf's Journal: [WGT] A good first month... 3

Still making good progress, weighing in at 197, which, according to BMI, moves me from being "Obese" to merely "Overweight." Sure, it's only a label applied by a formula, but I'll take the kudos where I can get 'em. I'm still a big fan of SparkPeople.com, and now the wife is getting sucked in, so we've formed a team and will work on this together. Perhaps the best thing is that I can feel the difference already while playing hockey - quickness is improving, and I've got more gas in the 3rd than just a few weeks ago.

Progress So Far
9/8/06: 209
9/15/06: 204.5
9/22/06: 206
9/29/06: 201
10/6/06: 197

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[WGT] A good first month...

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  • That's awesome progress in only a month.
  • 12 pounds? "Good" first month is an understatement. So are you starving yourself or exercising your butt off or both? As a frivolous point of comparison, I caught the season ender of Celeb Fat Club or whatever, on VH1 I think, and they lost around 30 pounds in 100 days. I don't think I could do that even if I tried.

    Keep up the exercise, and if you're not already, consider adding some weight-bearing routines -- you don't want your body to include eating up muscle. To commit the misdemeanor of anthropomorphiz
    • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
      The nice thing about using SparkPeople as a guide is that it covers both the diet and exercise (cardio and strength) side of things, so I'd say the results so far are due to keeping within the caloric intake guidelines, and exceeding the cardio goals on a regular basis. Playing hockey helps, and if I can fit in hour-long workouts at the Y twice a week as well, that puts me ~100% above the cardio goal set out in the program.

      The eating side of things has been far easier than I would have thought. The key (f

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
