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Journal TopShelf's Journal: Warbirds grounded, 3-0 1

Last night, without our super sub who scored 7 goals last week, we dropped a 3-0 decision to a fairly mediocre team called the Misfits. Actually, we were lucky it was that close, because we spent the majority of the game scrambling in our own end, and our goaltender put in a yeoman's effort in keeping us in the game.

The quote of the night was my defense partner, who at one point on the bench pleaded with our wingers: "forwards, we need you to play more... forward." In our own zone, they kept coming too far down close to the net, leaving opposing defensemen wide open for shots from the point, and giving our D nobody to pass to once we did get control of the puck. Even when we did get the play down into the offensive zone, they were often timid and failed to put any pressure on our opponents carrying the puck out of their own end. Basically, the Misfits had a free skate from blue line to blue line, with plenty of time to survey the situation and pick their preferred option.

As a forward, you need to keep moving your feet and put pressure on the puck carrier - make them pass the puck or make a move before they really want to, and chances are they'll give it away and cough up a golden opportunity for you. Our guys really don't get that (with one exception, a 60-year old who shows more hustle than our 20-somethings).

I think I'm going to ask to play RW next week. On other sites, I often use the nick "Forechecker" because that's my favorite part of the game. Hustle, put pressure on your opponent, and good things happen. It doesn't even take much skill - hard work is the ultimate equalizer...

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Warbirds grounded, 3-0

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  • as someone who played soccer for years i absolutely agree with the last part. being in shape and working hard, hustling like crazy, can put you in a very strategic advantage as the game goes on. most of the time your opponents just don't want to bring the pain, and if you hustle you'll hurt them.

    and if i knew that i had the skill advantage as well i almost always talked smack too just to try to bring their level of energy up. because winning isn't everything.

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