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Journal TopShelf's Journal: Warbirds rolling 2

Last night's game was a strange one, with us winning 10-1, on the strength of a substitute player scoring about 7 of our goals. The wierd part? This was only his second ice hockey game.

He's played roller hockey for 10 years or so, but still, it's amazing to see how well he's transitioned to ice. In particular, he dominated faceoffs, doing basically whatever he wanted in each particular case - drawing it back to the defense, picking the puck up himself and heading in, or taking a quick snapshot when deep in the opposing zone.

The bronchitis and pneumonia left me sucking wind in the 2nd and 3rd, but overall, the rust is starting to shake off. I ended up with a couple assists, and some solid D work against what is really a decent team. Once our super-sub moves away (in about a month) and we face this team again, I'm guessing it'll be a much closer game.

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Warbirds rolling

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  • Particularly when the Sharks are playing, but I am still ignorant of much of the sport's subtleties. I love the updates and, if you were inclined to go into greater detail, think that that would be pretty spiffy.

    Keep flying high!

    • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
      My pleasure - back when I first starting playing in adult rec leagues in the early 90's, I used to make up one-page game stories (complete with statistics) that we'd post at the cafe that sponsored our team. I'll flesh these out further going forward...

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
