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Journal blinder's Journal: I Took The Survey 4

i just took the slashdot "do you like our new design" survey. here are my essay question answers:

7. What one thing would you most like to change about Slashdot's layout?
i'd move every element up, down or over 2 pixels. why? because i have nothing else to offer.

8. What do you feel is missing from the new look and feel of Slashdot?
cowbell, maybe. clippy? where's clippy? how about some animated gifs of that little guy with a shovel digging? i always like that... oh and the mailbox with the flappy door. maybe the slashdot logo as one of those java applet water effects. get with the times slashdot!

9. What do you find unnecessary on Slashdot?
the letter q. stop using it.

10. Anything else you'd like us to know?
i like cereal and chocolate milk. oh and potatoes!

sometimes i just shouldn't be allowed to participate.

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I Took The Survey

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