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Journal TopShelf's Journal: [WGT] Weekly weigh-in 4

206 this morning, up from 204.5 last week. Odd, to be sure, since I've done a good job food-wise, but I've been sick for the last week so exercise has been off. I know I'm on the right track, though, and would highly recommend checking out It's got a good tracking mechanism for eating & exercise. In particular, the food listings are built up by the users on the site. For instance, if you just ate something and it's not on their dietary list, you can enter the values and now it becomes available for anyone else on the site.

I've got the kids at home today, so we'll head off to the Y this morning and I can hustle, hustle, hustle while they play...

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[WGT] Weekly weigh-in

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  • It's not unusual for one's weight to fluctuate like that. Last Saturday, I was up four pounds from Friday - and I went right back down on Sunday. I also go down two to three pounds when I work out. How much water your body is holding is a big factor in how much you weigh. I've been told in the past to weigh less frequently, but I've found that doing it daily helps me filter out the noise. I've always wondered about the accuracy of scales, though, and repeatability of the measurements.

    I started out at a
    • A few things...

      Yesterday I went to the grocery store to buy dried cherries. I ended up buying cherry-flavored dried cranberries, because the only dried cherries they had contained HFCS! Why?!

      Scale accuracy is easy enough to check. (By the way, the easiest way to lose 30 lbs in a hurry is to put your scale on carpet. :^) Just keep stepping on and off, moving the scale around between readings. If it always reads the same number, you can be assured that the readings taken on different days are probably tr
      • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
        I'm keeping daily weighings in my log at SparkPeople, just as you suggest - to weed out the noise. I'll only post here weekly, lest my journal turn into nothing but a weight-loss screed...
  • I think it's important to eat and drink similarly, the day before your weekly weigh-in morning, to get readings that are comparable. Eat about the same sized meals, around the same periods of the day, and weigh in at around the same part of the morning. I know that if I (when I used to, that is!) eat late at night, say a bag of popcorn and a couple of cokes and maybe some Red Vines (mmmm) with a movie, I'd be several pounds heavier in the morning (even though that's not several pounds of food).

    Also, as ment

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
