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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Keeping the Pimp Hand Strong 9

In June 2012, Mr. Walker became the only governor in American history to survive a recall election--initiated to reverse his enormously controversial 2011 budget-repair bill, Act 10, which limited the collective-bargaining powers of public-employee unions, as well as automatic dues collection and health and pension benefits. Big Labor and national Democrats returned this year to avenge their loss, though the irony was that Ms. Burke declined to relitigate Act 10 or even take a coherent position. The election turned on competing accounts of economic progress under Mr. Walker, such as job creation and rising household incomes.

Like the Confederate States of America, the Wisconsin unions don't seem to be on the correct side of the argument.
Walker is like Chris Christie, with less bloat in the ego and waist.
Presidential timber? Heck. To. The. YEAH!

And I fully expect at least one person on here to blow a hole through his Depends on this JE.

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Keeping the Pimp Hand Strong

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  • You know the rules:
    No Money? No Chance!

    • Certainly, the frogskins are necessary, but not sufficient, as last Tuesday showed.
      • Thaaat's right, somebody wasn't keepin' up with their payments... taught them bitches a lesson!

        • Alternately, elections still retain some merit as such.
          • Alternate universe maybe. *sigh* the masks are off and you still believe, and apparently you always will... I really do have to admire such powerful faith. It's like 'seeing' without eyes. The fantasy is real... with just enough cues to keep you from bumping into the furniture.

            Look you/d_r won. You got 100% of the house and still have 98% of the senate. All remains stable.

            I'll watch the flow, and if your boy can draw some real attention, I'll check with the bookies to see what can be made out of it. Now, go

            • The masks are off, and you deny that there is possibly some face value content to the election.
              It all has to be 100% charade to you, doesn't it? I must confess that your faith outshines my own.

              Look you/d_r won. You got 100% of the house and still have 98% of the senate. All remains stable.

              What does that even mean? Are you implying that the two Independent Senators are truly "Independent"? Nice fairy tale. Quick question: do the two "staunchly" independent Senators, you know, caucus with any party? Do they? So maybe the "I" is just part of the marketing?

              I'll watch the flow, and if your boy can draw some real attention, I'll check with the bookies to see what can be made out of it. Now, go put on your warpaint and have at it. I'm sure you'll put on quite the show for us all, rootin' for your cowboy and how he's for god and country...

              You just stay smug there, tough guy. It's pretty

              • It all has to be 100% charade to you, doesn't it?

                After a certain amount of money is noticed, yes, it most certainly is. The desire is just too strong to resist. The gangsters are in it all the way. Your government is run by mobster lackeys. I do not care whether you believe that or not. I'm only telling you what is obvious to any outside disinterested observer. I can see the gun.

                Yes, those indies are possibly by name only. I never said anything about 'staunchly'. Your making stuff up again, eh? Though one o

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
