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Journal davidwr's Journal: Future terrorism 6

Please tell me the FBI is doing this every week.

Let's play a game. Pretend Osama bin Laden hired us to brainstorm ways to get explosives aboard an airplane.

PLEASE: If you have any serious, non-obvious method, don't post it here. Contact law enforcement instead. England just busted a bunch of would-be plane bombers and I'm doing this to burn off some stress. Post just the obvious and the outlandish please.

OK, here goes.

body cavity bomb.

Surgically implanted bombs.

Secretly replace air marshall with genetically programmed clone to do your bidding.

Hack NORAD and use SDI to take out a plane. BONUS: Take out the White House while you are at it.

Free Gatorade and digital cameras for everyone!

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Future terrorism

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  • Get Superman drunk, and then have him fly at supersonic speeds through several office buildings.

    Sorry, I just watched Superman Returns.

  • Get hired by some plane company to fill planes with kerosene, and put a time-bomb or whatever you want (an oxygen releasing "bomb"?) in the kerosene to make the plane explode in flight..
  • I thought of one that's very simple and I imagine effective. I'm shocked this hasn't been done yet. But there are only a few ways to prevent someone from doing this.

    Load up a suitcase with your favorite explosive. An entire big suitecase. Walk onto a Metro-North train (which brings hundreds of thousands of people from the NYC suburbs into Grand Central Station every day). People going to NYC airports bring luggage onto Metro-North every day, so there's nothing suspicious. Take the train towards Grand
  • interesting post. imagination + subversion = new terror idea. 1) make a simple bomb on board; nitric acid in one bag, with one person. glycerine with another person, another bag. mix onboard a long flight. (creating nitro glycerine) wait for turbulence / drop mixing container. tricky i agree, but not impossible. 2) get a job in the airlines on board planes (is this naive?). one day abuse this trust. 3) from a Tom Clancy book: lazers to blind the pilots as they land so they crash instead. 4) an EMP devi
    • by Paolone ( 939023 )
      To get good nitroglicerine you need sulfo-nitric misture, something not so easy to carry around.

      Anyway, I've been thinking about a novel about a group of "smart" terrorists, the kind that use good crypto and don't look obviously Arab, anarchist or threatening, let's say angry IT mums.
      A goodoption would be mixing concentrated bleach and ammonia while on board, free clorine to breath for everybody.
      Even better, you don't need to bomb a plane, just bomb 10 trains stations and 10 airports at the same moment.

  • Branching from the kerosene plot, and not really discussed much: An airline mechanic or a group of mechanics impliments fatal flaws into a critical system of an airliner. Flaws that come into mind include causing too much fuel to be delivered to a turbine engine, causing throttles to stick at take-off levels, or causing data to be misrepresented to pilots and to flight control systems. I am not a flight engineer, but I do wonder about the levels of security and the difficulty in defeating them when it co

Heisengberg might have been here.
