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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Stranded 3

Ah, the fun continues!

So everyone's out of town this weekend, and my car calls it quits. My mechanic says the engine block is gone, and it would cost more to fix than to get a new engine. Only thing is, this was supposed to be my POS car for 6 months while I got into the habit of driving every day, and I'm not looking to more than double the amount of money I've put into this car in order to get it working again. The numbers just don't add up.

So I'm going to go look for a new (to me) car.

However, there are plenty of things I needed to do this weekend which I needed a car for. And I've just called every car rental agency within a large radius of me and everyone's sold out. No car anywhere (not even from the really shady places!) until at least Monday. Holy crap.

So now I'm at home, everyone I know is out of town, and I'm stranded until Monday when I can rent a car.


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  • Really looking to rent a car? I'll see what I can find...
  • See if there's a place you can rent a scooter. They are getting popular, so you might find a place near you. They get great gas mileage too.
  • My mechanic says the engine block is gone, and it would cost more to fix than to get a new engine.

    Awoogah! Awoogah! Sounds like he's trying to baffle you with science. The chances of the block itself having gone are very slim (I've seen it happen in a race engine, but never in a road car). I'd definitely be asking for a second opinion from someone else. Now it could be that something in the block has gone (big ends are a common suspect, or maybe piston rings), but if that's the case, I'd have expected him

It is much harder to find a job than to keep one.
