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Journal Em Emalb's Journal: Em on recent journal entries.... 15


God damnit Sam. Don't do this shit to yourself. You're experiencing a minor setback and it is frustrating. I understand that. I also understand the need to get that shit out of your system and carry on. I also understand the need to get it out there so people will give you a kick in the ass to keep you going.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this after all.

BOO. You got this bro. I have faith. Don't give up at the first real bit of resistance. Rome wasn't built in a day, and people don't figure everything out all at once. Do your thing.


Get the fuck out of Maryland. Seriously. Do it now. There ain't shit for you there, and life is kicking your ass. Expand your job search to the entire country and go where you fit in.

Also, with your experience, I find it really hard to believe there is nothing in the medical IT field for you. Keep looking, don't give up.

Everyone else:


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Em on recent journal entries....

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  • by lithron ( 88998 )
    Not much going on here. I hope you didn't drink the water in Dekalb county this weekend. Lots of bad stuff going on with their water supply.

    I think this is the week I find a dentist and get a cleaning scheduled. My car is also begging for an oil change, maybe I'll do that too. Other than that my only plans are to hang out with my girl this week.

    PS- you forgot to tell us what YOU are up to.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • 1400 on Friday I got a call from my brother that his flight had been called off to Newark due to weather so he was getting sent back to Baltimore, giving us the opportunity to hang. He came back with more details: he had a 6am show so he had to be in bed by 2130 but was near the airport at the usual hotel. Went into downtown Balmer, went to Little Italy. Paid 8 bucks for parking (8 bucks???). Went to Amicci's where he had the Tortellini with Ham and I had the Baked Lasagna. Walked down to the Sound Ga
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • The goodness of my writing is proportional to how game I'm feeling that day :/ I should do it more: often, consistently. That consistency will come from doing it often (I think). When it is inconsistent or I read it again and it looks wrong- it doesn't sing right and I'm disappointed. I dunno. There's that bit where you want to make it sharper but to do so would require a complete demolition and then you feel like "well what the hell was I doing when I wrote it in the first place?" Bah. I'll just tr
  • Still not really on /. much these days. Only here now because there's nothing to do at work, and I'm bored.

    Look me up on my deviantART page sometime.

    • Must...avoid....deviantART. I could spend days rummaging around through all the damn stuff there; it is even worse than here. On the upside I am almost done with my art class final project, so I can start taking pics of my stuff and making more crap to post on deviant ART soon :-)
  • My sister had a baby [] and I passed 2 kidney stones. My insurance doesn't kick in until tomorrow, but of course I'm no longer pissing blood, so it doesn't do me any good now.
    • Sorry to hear about the stones, TL. A friend of mine on deviantART was in and out of hospital due to those (and complications thereof) around Christmas 2004 - she had it really bad, but fortunately she managed to get out of hospital in time to celebrate with her kids.

      • I have a pretty damn high pain tolerance, but Christmas Eve 2003, I was at Boo's house and I passed a stone. I remember the pain was so intense I threw up (in the toilet since I was right there anyway). She asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I said no, because the worst was behind me and I didn't want to be sitting in the hospital "being monitored" for Christmas.
  • I'm crusin along in a pretty good mood, today anyway.

    Found out last night that a girl I knew in high school had a thing for me. Too bad she's engaged to be married now. Shit happens. Still put a smile on my face getting that little factoid.

    Other than work shite that gets annoying every now and then stuff is good though.

    Still want to move out of NJ though, getting tired of this state and the people in it.

As the trials of life continue to take their toll, remember that there is always a future in Computer Maintenance. -- National Lampoon, "Deteriorata"
