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Journal Em Emalb's Journal: which would be harder to do? 20

Which would be harder to do?

A) rush for 8 yards in an NFL game

B) make it through 40 seconds of being in the ring with Mike Tyson (circa 1986)

C) hit a major league pitcher's fastball

Which of the 3 is the easiest?

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which would be harder to do?

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  • I am inclined to say that the Tyson one would be the hardest, if only because at that point it was almost impossible to find anyone in the world who could do it.

    The fastball would be the easiest (given a few weeks in the batting cage to prepare), if you were being thrown hittable fastballs. An at-bat with the pitcher trying to get you out would be very different, but at least you'd be less likely to die than with the other two.

    • I bet I could run away from him for 40 seconds :-) Or maybe just run up and hug him over and over and pray he doesn't burst my kidneys before the ref breaks us up. Or just fall down over and over and get up before the ref finishes counting.
  • a.) If I had the Denver or Steelers O-Line, I think I could handle 8 yards (I'd need lots of ice afterward).
    b.) I wonder how much I could dance. In the first round, usually nothing major happens except testing each others defences. But he did hit HARD...
    c.) Baseball? Pshah! Fastball? Hurt your hands, while the first would hurt your whole body, and second would hurt your torso and head.... so I'm going to say this is probably easiest.
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    • Rushing for 8 yards would be the easiest. You've got help out there.

      That was my view. If the rest of your team are doing their jobs, then your life is easy. If the rest of your team have screwed up, then no matter how good you are, you're unlikely to make it 8 yards. Tyson? No thanks. Baseball? Never understood the game anyway, but I know that you need to get the timing right to within a couple of hundredths of a second just to hit the thing, so that's probably out. No, I'll stick with NFL. It's not neces

    • Difference is, you can hit a ball by sheer luck. Given the size of the strike zone and the size of the bat, there's gotta be a decent chance of you hitting the ball (Or rather, the ball hitting you) even if you just stick the bat out and close your eyes.

      • Yeah, and with sheer luck, I might survive the Tyson challenge as well. The sheer luck of him tripping on his shoelaces, or getting hit in the head by a falling space rock, or maybe even the sheer luck of me getting super powers from a radioactive spider bite. :-)
        • Yeah, but his glove is larger than a baseball, and your face is most likely wider than a bat. :-)

          Mostest difficultest: Make it through 40 seconds of being in the ring with Mike Tyson (circa 1986)
          Almost mostest difficultest: Rush for 8 yards in an NFL game
          Not mostest difficultest: Hit a major league pitcher's fastball
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Ok, real heavyweight fighers couldn't last 40 seconds with Tyson in his prime. Real heavyweights. Professionals. Folks need to watch Jackass the Movie and remember what Butterbean (a pushover in the boxing circuit) did to Johnny Knoxville. He iced him with maybe a dozen punches. Johnny went down, had a concussion and required stitches in his head. I don't think he lasted 40 seconds. Tyson? They'd forgo the bodybag and mop folks up with a sponge.

    Rushing I think is the easiest because, a good O-line,
  • Is that 40 Sec. with or without an ear?
  • Are these the Xbox versions of PS2 ones? ;-)

    As everyone has said before getting 8 yards would likely be the easiest if everyone around you is doing their job. If you have to fight for it though, break some tackels and the like good luck.

    40 seconds with Tyson? It might be doable. Keep in mind everyone is trying to actually fight him. Your job would be to survive. That is a huge difference. I saw Butterbean knock the crap out of whosit, but, again, he was trying to stay in there with him- not run aw

  • ...I can bunt.

    Otherwise B if I have an aluminum baseball bat from C and the football helmet from A.

  • Easiest: Tyson. Kick him in the nuts right away and run like hell.

    Middle: Hitting a baseball. Not at all easy, but you've got at least a chance of putting the ball in play by getting the bat in the right neighborhood.

    Hardest: Running 8 yards. A great hole by the O-line might get you past the line of scrimmage, but mere mortals are so much slower than even the worst NFL RB that you'd see that gap close quickly. And that's if you avoid bumping into your own linemen to begin with (definitely not easy fo
  • Hey folks, check this out before you think about 40 seconds with Tyson: %20Tyson%20knockouts/ [] It has sound, so be careful if you are at work.

    Also, next time you see a batting cage, stop in and take a few hacks in their fastest cage. Most places only go to around 85 or so. It ain't easy, trust me.

    Of the 3: Tyson is obviously the choice, since he'd kill you.

    The football one is the easiest. The hardest to do in sports outside of survuve a fight with Ty

The tao that can be tar(1)ed is not the entire Tao. The path that can be specified is not the Full Path.
