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Journal Em Emalb's Journal: restaurants that don't really feed you 22

So Saturday, a friend of mine turned 40.

We celebrated by going out to a supposedly nice restaurant here in Atlanta called "One".

The name alone should tell you how I felt about it, but hey whatever, you know, it's his choice, so fine, we'll go.

We get there and it's all style and pretty much no substance.

The perfect description of the evening:

I order a cheese plate appetizer. It's $16. They present a huge plate with three types of cheese. Awesome, right? Nope. Each cheese piece was the size of a quarter, and only about an inch tall.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Great. So we order a couple more apps, and I'm scarfing down the hummus/bread/cracker thing they refill for free. Time for dinner. I order steak frites, which is skirt steak marinated in some new age shit, cut on the bias, and served over a plate of parmesan fries. The steak was good, the fries were good, but there wasn't enough. I'd say roughly 4oz of steak, and to compare it to McDonalds, a small order of fries. WTF?

I am not a goddamned supermodel. I like food. I especially like well prepared/served food, and I like to eat til I'm sated.

Everyone in our party left still hungry. About 3 hours later we all ended up eating at a fucking waffle house. The funniest thing was people watching. I am not a fan of "scene" places, and this was definitely one of them. A cross-section of mouthbreathers, people trying too hard, and young kids trying to get their bones, or something. Whatever. Homey don't play that.

Fuck you, pretentious restaurants! Feed your fucking guests.

The bill, for 6 people: $290.

Yeah, ripoff. Next time, I'll pass.

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restaurants that don't really feed you

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  • Mmmm, you can really taste the ambiance and pretentiousness in this sauce!

    Oh look, there's the emperor! Look at the Emperor's new clothes. They're beautiful! What a marvellous train! And the colors! The colors of that beautiful fabric! I have never seen anything like it in my life!

    And the musca domestica on my salad! What an ingenious decoration to this fantastic meal!

  • We went to Auriga [] for my roommate's birthday a few years ago. I don't remember what I had, but I should have brought tweezer with me to consume it. The food was sparse and expensive.
    • Oh! I just remembered one of the delightful dishes. Either Some Guy or I ordered the ravioli. can you go wrong? Well, you can go wrong by placing THREE ravioli on a plate and calling it a meal. They were about standard restaurant ravioli size, too, so it's not like it was three 5-inch ravioli or something that would otherwise excuse their shoddy excuse for a dinner.

      Also, I have never been that disappointed in a dessert. It was tiny and trying too hard. All that time they spent pretty
  • okay, i'm going to have to bash atlanta a little. i haven't lived there, but i've spent enough time there to know the score (my father lived there, and my sister and her husband currently live there and are looking to get out).

    atlanta with a "nice" restaurant? wtf? i find that difficult to believe. well, i guess the latte slurping suv driving useless wastes of space need to have a place to go when not trying to read the paper, slurp said latte and talk on their mobiles sitting on 285 (you know, the perimete
    • I have a better idea: build your airport really close to the city, but then allow the construction of the tunnel to the airport to be such a corrupt project that the tunnel collapses and kills people, so the tunnel has to be closed, thus ensuring that the airport is 2 hours from everywhere.

      But I've never been to Atlanta. Newark had better be on your list of worse places to live, because being a short train ride to NYC doesn't help if you kill yourself before you make it to the train station.
      • oh see... i dunno... the big dig is too easy a target. i mean, what do you expect when you have a project that's run by politicians and the mob? i mean of course its going to be a huge joke, and, sadly a tragic one at that.

        oh no, as far as logistics is concerned, boston is laughable. take this morning. walk to the t in central square. wait for the train: 20 minutes (stupid trains). train arrives. get on train. sit on train at the station: 30 minutes. grrrr!!!

        give up on train and walk to harvard square: 25 m
    • $10 million for a condo in buckhead? I'm looking at condos in Buckhead now, and I haven't seen anything like that. The new ones they just built close to the building I work in are extremely nice and the PENTHOUSES are only $500k. The lower levels are around $200k. I'm sure there are places that I haven't looked that are more expensive, but I can't afford those, so I haven't looked.

      Yes there are bad things about Atlanta, just as there are about any city, town, or village. There are many wonderful thi

      • Um... who the fark is paying $500K for a CONDO in ATLANTA????

        If you read "The Millionaire Next Door", they say to not spend more than 2x your annual income on a house if you want to have a high net worth. Even assuming people are spending twice that (4xincome) on these places, that's $125K a year. Who is making $125K a year in Atlanta and buying a CONDO?

        Atlanta's real estate values, by the way, are expected to remain flat (that's losing 4% a year due to inflation) until 2011, and with prices like that, I'd
      • Yeah. The Tavern is fantastic too.

        As stated in my later post, Houston's is also great... kinda like The Tavern, slightly less upscale. Preferred locations are on Peachtree near Bennett Street or Northside Parkway just north of West Paces Ferry.
    • I have always felt that Sherman left too much standing.
    • "sprouting new yuppie-mansion-in-a-box developments..."

      They're called McMansions. ;)
    • Back the hell off my city.

      I grew up in Atlanta. Left for 4 years for college, another 2 to live in NJ. And I LOVE Atlanta.

      My entire family loves Atlanta... proof of this being that all of us, all of my mom's siblings and their children (who are working and old enough to live elsewhere), and all of my dad's siblings and their children live here.

      Yeah... ok. It might not be as cultured as New York or Chicago or whatever. Hell it's certainly not as pedestrian friendly as any of the older cities in the US, but t
  • I like restaurants like that. I like small portions artfully presented. There are those of us who don't judge the quality of a dining experience by the pound. Part of the experience is the performance Art of arranging the plate, pairing the ingredients, using the visual part of the experience to make an aesthic observation.

    Sounds like a meal I would have enjoyed.

    Not that there's anything wrong with you hating it and vowing to never return...:-)
    • I really really don't get it.

      I assume it wouldn't be the same if there were plates simply put on display as art pieces, so the appeal has to lie in the combination of art mixed with something intended for consumption, right?

      But what is the appeal of that? I mean, why not get a good (full) meal at a decent restaurant, and then go to gallery to watch art? Is the appeal that it is art created specifically for you, your enjoyment, and your consumption? Or am I way off in that?

      I'm honestly curious what makes it
      • In my specific case, part of it may be that I have been a cook, I've been the person putting plates together for presentation, so I know what goes into it and I appreciate work well done. The appeal is using food, something not typically an artistic medium, a medium certainly not *designed* for visual art, and making something not only pleasing to the eye, but something that carries an artisitic message about the food. For example, I used to garnish a steak my restaurant made with a habanero rub with red

    • Sounds like a meal I would have enjoyed.

      But where would you have gone to eat afterwords? :)
    • I think that's fine, so long as all parties entering the restaurant are aware that they are paying for an art exhibit, rather than a meal that will sate the hunger they may have unknowingly brought.
    • I like restaurants like that. I like small portions artfully presented.

      "Artful presentation" doesn't stave off the munchies. I'm not saying that they should just slop the food on there, but it's a restaurant for fsck's sake, not a goddamn art gallery. If you don't mind getting ripped off for a snack-size portion, more power to you, but when I go to a restaurant, I'm there for the food.

  • "I am not a goddamned supermodel."

    Em, you sexy bitch, you are so a supermodel.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

If graphics hackers are so smart, why can't they get the bugs out of fresh paint?
