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Row over Christian smacking manual

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  • "Smacking is meant to drive the foolishness, the sinful manifestations, out of the child's personality so that they do not become permanent fixtures," it says.

    Does this mean I can smak Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Ralph Reed for up to 15 minutes so I can drive out their foolishness and sinful manifestations? After all, all 3 are foolish and all 3 have sinful manifestations (all covet money).


    • Well, they're not children anymore, so I'm not sure how much good it would do. And then there's my list of a few people who need smacking:

      • Al Sharpton - black bigot in Reverend's clothing
      • Hilary Clinton - for staying married to you-know-who and selling out to party politics
      • Martha Stewart - just because I would like to cause her pain
      • Ted Kennedy - for spoiling the legacy of his brothers
      • Eminem - actually, smacking's too good for him
      • Terell Owens - playing with Jerry Rice obviously didn't teach him to just
      • They may not be children agewise but since most of them act like one, does that count?

        As far as Powell is concerned, I know why he didn't run. He didn't want to be subjected to the scrutiny that one has to undergo to be president. He's a soldier and he does his job well. While he can communicate to anyone he doesn't want to deal with the crap he knows he would have to if he was elected.

        Interesting note about Corzine and NJ. I just saw in our local paper that people from NJ are moving to PA to save money

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