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Journal blinder's Journal: The New SG 8

just as solemn wrote we went out and got a replacement sg.

i really like it. we were bonding earlier today. it was a fast trip to the guitar center in boston. i typically hate the guitar center, but this one was quite tolerable, even though the sales people were all over us like flies (which is typical for a guitar center) - but all and all it was tolerable.

my friend patrick was impressed with the effeciency of my selection and the speed of the transaction. i looked at the wall of gibsons, spotted a few SGs, took a few down, found a nice natural cherry finish model, walked it over to a remake of the vox ac15 and plugged it in... everything was in working order and about 10 minutes later we had a new sg!

i still think the sg is the finest guitar made, for what i enjoy playing. and yes, this is a real sg... made in the usa by gibson in nashville. no made in korea knock-offs for me.

anyway, i took a few pictures:

shot 1
shot 2
shot 3

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The New SG

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  • Ahm rowlin thundah
    powarin rain
    Ahm cohmnin on lahk ah hurrahcane
    white lightnin flahshin across the skhigh
    Yor onlah yung butcha gunna die
    wont tek no prizners
    wont tek no life
    nobodeez puhttin upha fihite
    Ah got my ...

    anyway you get the idea... I don't understand why the rhytym pickup is so far back. It's not on my SG and it's no on my Les Paul and it's not on my Ibanez JEM... etc etc.

    Anylou... thinking about a Breedlove for my 12 string.
    • Angus! Angus! Angus!

      Anyway, I've always liked the SG. Probably the best guitar Gibson have ever made (only "probably" because I'll always have a soft spot for the Flying V).

      • in the last established band i was in - our music was very indie-rock-like, with some touches of post-hardcore and other touches of just avant guarde rock -- and our guitarist, an ex-death metal guitarist had an amazing early 80's flying v gibson. it looked amazing, sounded awesome.

        but yeah, i'm an sg fan. have been since 1989, when i saw ian mackay use one. i always thought ac/dc when it came to the sg... but when i heard he tone ian had through just a marshall jcm800 and his sg... i was sold.
  • I like how the finish is light enough that the wood grain comes through. Natural texture is nice.
  • She's beautiful. Gorgeous red! Have fun and enjoy. :)
  • today, and I saw an honest-to-ghod Gibson SG in this same finish and thought of you. At 1100 bucks though, it was too pricey to buy for either you or me.

    I did however buy new strings for my Alvarez 12-string, only to get home to realize that part of the reason my 12-string was a 10-string was because I need two new bridge pegs for it. And those damn pegs were right there, too.

  • My old man still has his '73 SG special in the lab, just imagine yours with the paint with 33 years of wear and tear, block inlays, black mini-humbuckers, small pick-guard, and somehow picking up a set of ibanez tuners along the way. Still sounds like heaven when it gets hooked up with a good head, and ain't bad running through his stack.
  • when do we get to hear some muzak ? I do like the color.

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
