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Star Wars Prequels

Journal Em Emalb's Journal: Em's review of other things... 8

FortKnox was right (I didn't read your entry til after I went and saw it), this does remind me of "XGY GPKKTEPPF".

I thought it was a cute movie, with various "life lessons" to be learned for the little ones, and enough "adult" humor to keep the old folks interested.

We went to a 7:30 showing, and there were 5 people in the theater. I love that.

Tomorrow I am going to the opening of Pirates. Yeah boy.

What's for lunch kids? I'm hungry already.

Anything on tap for the weekend?

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Em's review of other things...

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  • I'm going and seeing Toad the Wet Sprocket in NYC on Monday. Not really the weekend, but what the hell. they put on such a great show; gonna take the whole day off of work and everythang.

    /me rubs his hands together like the musical anachronism he is.


  • We're taking out a guy leaving our group today. He's veg-kosher so that narrows the list. The group actually took him out last week... and he had to pay for himself. So we're making it up to him (plus we two where closer than the rest).

    This weekend... well I want to get my car in for an oil change (I'm like 1k over). Maybe after work today or tomorrow. Raiders of the Lost Ark is playing this weekend. Larry Clark's Wassup Rockers is also opening... PotC:DMC is high on my list too. There's an Anselm Ki []
  • after a 70+ hour work week (and I'm still not done! ha!) I plan on both taking it easy this weekend, but also seeing if I can quickly cobble up some driver code so my minions can test next week. My new position is finally official and a promotion should be coming forth-with. I think this is the first weekend my wife and I will be able to spend alone; for the past 4-5 weeks we've either been travelling or people have been seeing us. Perhaps we'll visit my sister, who is with newborn, who we haven't seen
    • So our man is an uncle now? Congratzors. My lunch plans fell through and I decided to work through the time so I could leave early and get my oil changed. This weekend is hunched between family travel this week and work travel next week. I also need to check out the Trader Joe's near me. My g'ma and aunt gave it good reviews but I'm out of town for a week so no reason to go this weekend... *sigh*
  • Wanna go to Lake Lanier tomorrow Em?
  • Leftover Azteca. Great Mexican food. I have a leftover picadillo chimichanga that I mixed the spanish rice and refried beans into. With the house hot sauce. Good stuff!

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (1) Gee, I wish we hadn't backed down on 'noalias'.
