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Journal Pancho Pistolas's Journal: Schoolhouse rock... 3

What's your favorite happy childhood memory or ritual? Was it around a place (the ice-cream truck), a certain time, a season?

Mine was Saturday morning cartoons...remember those? Man, I remember getting up early, decked out in my underoos, with a bowl of Cap'n Crunch, and not a care in the world. ::nostalgic sigh::

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Schoolhouse rock...

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  • Until we discovered that there was more than one UHF statio we got, that was the only chance we had to watch cartoons. I liekd the music for Conjunction Junction best, but was probably most heavily influenced by I'm Only a Bill.

    What really screwed me up; though was the noun one. Nouns are persons, places, or things. Fine. So what is "RUN?" Well, run is a word. Words are things. Ergo, run is a noun. ALong with every other word int he English language. I think that that's when I realized that gramm

  • ...practically living at the local park, and more precicely, the swimming pool. Each and every day...
  • Investigating which household materials were flammable. Then using epoxy glue to draw pictures on the sidewalk and set them on fire.

    But I grew out of that when I turned 18.

"Conversion, fastidious Goddess, loves blood better than brick, and feasts most subtly on the human will." -- Virginia Woolf, "Mrs. Dalloway"
