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Journal blinder's Journal: Buffer-overflowed Is Teh Cool, Yo 10

so buffer stops by last night after work (hmph, forgot to tell solemn that little detail). he tells me earlier in the day that he managed, after two weeks of looking and wandering the streets of boston on an "epic quest" to find exactly the right thing.

well, a very warm and worn out buffer arrives at our place and fishes out this gift that was unearthed after said epic quest from his new laptop bag which housed the worlds largest freakin laptop i ever done seen.

anyway, buffer managed to snag me a nintendo ds lite with super mario. wow!!! i was and still am blown away. what a great birtday gift :)

so, now i have a fun little diversion whilst i wait for the shuttle bus to take me to and from harvard square and work everyday. yay!! yay for fun diversions!

in summary, buffer is cool (not for getting me a "thing" - but for the thought). having real friends is interesting and very different than what i used to know.

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Buffer-overflowed Is Teh Cool, Yo

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