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This discussion was created by bryanthompson (627923) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

writing skills... ack.

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  • I took an AP American History class in High School. I've always maintained that one of the best skills I ever developed from it was the fine Art of Bullshitting. Just stretching a concise answer into a sprawling maze of text makes me look like I know far more than I actually do.

    See how I added that sentence at the end? I did it there, too!

  • Very few real questions can be answered thoroughly in only 200 words. Most questions in the soft sciences have quite a bit more depth to them -- and being able to fill a certain ammount of page with answer is a good way to test if the student actually knows what they're talking about.

    If you're repeating yourself for anything other than intentional emphasis, you don't know the answer well enough and you might just be better off stopping at 200. If it's a term paper, do some more thorough research and come

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
