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Journal Billosaur's Journal: Recuiters are stupid 1

Does this happen to you: you get emails from recruiters looking to fill a position and you read the description, only to realize that the job description and your qualifications are, shall we say, discrepant? It happens to me all the time; mainly I get requests for Java developers, when I don't know Java. I know JavaScript, but that ain't Java.

Job sites are great -- they let you fill out these detailed questionnaires and state where you want to work, what skills you have, what you're looking for in salary, etc. You think, "Hey, this way I'll only get in touch with the right people." Wrong! The people trolling these boards are either a) technologically ignorant or b) the job search equivalent of spammers. I get so sick of it. Wat's worse, I will contact these people, tell that at length everything they could have know had they read my profile and then I get more responses in the future, and they're still not right!

Look, it's hard enough finding a job, with so many of them being shipped overseas so companies can continue to buy gilded toilets for the executive washroom. What I don't have time for is sifting through a lot of irrelevant crap -- I'd prefer to receivfe job inqueries where I at least have a ghost of a chance of getting interviewed.

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Recuiters are stupid

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  • Most recruiters are just glorified message board trollers, but there are some worth their salt.

    My favorite idiot-recruiter anecdote is when a moron submitted me (without even speaking to me first) for a position that I had just left a couple months earlier! Somehow he failed to match the company he was submitting me to with the most recent entry on my resume, complete with ending date...

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