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Journal DG's Journal: It's Done!! 4

Back from AOC, two weeks of staffwork hell.

1. 0800 hrs to midnight every day:
              a. memos;
              b. messages;
              c. NPF audits;
              d. unit training plans;
              e. tactical and non-tactical exercise instructions;
              f. road move orders;
              g. PERs/PDRs;
              h. ethics; and
              i. military law.

And much more besides.

Imagine doing an MBA with three months of home study and two weeks of non-stop instruction, and you've got the concept.

But now it is done. Finished. Finito. And Yours Truly placed second out of 16 students, which is not bad all around.

Now I is a fully-qualified Staff Weenie... which is nothing to be proud of (I vastly prefer command positions) but at least that ticket is punched and I'm qualified Captain.



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It's Done!!

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  • I'm qualified Captain

    Does that mean you're a captain now? Or just that you are eligible to become one soon?

    Regardless, I think congratulations are in order.
    • Eligible.

      Thanks to my mid-career retirement break, I'm not exactly sure what my official time in rank really is, so I don't know when my promotion eligibility date is.

      But I'm now qualified with all the requisite courses, so once I hit the time in rank value, I'll get promoted Captain.

      Thanks for the congrats.

  • I remember reading your reasons for have your staff-ticket punched and I was greatly impressed. I like to think that most of our military are folks like you.

    Good job!

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
